

Today will be a bit different for me as I will miss our morning service in order to preach the funeral service for Tim Lee.  I want to say a huge “thank you” to each person who is helping with the noon meal and a special “thank you” to Cecil Guidry for coordinating all of this.  Sherry Lee and her family are very appreciative for your kindness to them during this difficult time.  Pray for Bro. Kerry this morning as he ministers the word in song and for me as I try to minister to the family and friends with the Word.  The service begins at 11:00AM. 

Since Bro. Kerry & I will be involved in the funeral service this morning, Bro. Jerry will be taking care of our 10:00AM service in the auditorium.  I hope a good number of the Friendship family members will be present for either that service or tonight’s which begins at 7:00PM.

The school bus accident in Grand Bay yesterday morning was obviously a major topic of discussion and rightfully so.  We certainly offer our sympathy to the family of the young man driving the truck involved in the accident.  We thank the Lord for protecting the driver and students.  The driver and at least two of the students on the bus are members of the Friendship family.  One of those students was taken to the hospital for observation but her injuries were deemed minor and for this we are grateful.

Our Upward evaluations have been taking place this week and I appreciate Bro. Benny McGath and all of those who have assisted in these evaluations.  That process will continue tomorrow night.  Questions?  Contact Bro. Benny. 

UPS is telling me that our calendars should arrive today.  If so, we will make those available to our students tonight.  If you placed an order and attend Friendship then you should have your calendar(s) by this Sunday.  Our out of town folks can begin looking for their calendar(s) soon. 

Operation Homecoming continues to pick up steam and we had more folks on the property yesterday doing various projects to get the buildings/grounds ready for the 60th anniversary celebration.  Thank you to each person who is helping in any way! 

The weathermen are all saying that Fall weather should be here by in the morning.  I am so ready as I enjoy cooler temperatures (actually I enjoy cold temperatures).  I really look forward to the two weeks of Winter we have each summer on the coast!   

I pray that you will have a great day with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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