
MONDAY, 11/12

What a marvelous weekend!  For me, it began on Friday night as we had a “game night” for our senior high students which proved to be a great time of fun & fellowship. 

Saturday morning was a blessing as a good number of the Friendship family showed up and really got a lot of things done in the buildings and on the grounds.  The folks who reworked the flower beds did a masterful job – thanks to Cooter for leading that effort!  I could mention many other things that were accomplished but suffice it to say that it was a great day and a huge “thank you” goes to each person who helped in any way!

Lisa and I attended the wedding ceremony for Pablo Matheu & Lori Lewis on Saturday night.  Pablo is the son of Paul & Cristy Leytham. 

We had good services on Sunday morning as the Lord used Dean, Gayna, & Jeffrey Forrest, full time evangelists, from Montgomery to lead us in worship.  What a joy to recognize Lillian Brinkman, Ruby Foster, and Vivian Ladnier as the charter members in attendance for our morning services. 

The supper was fabulous!  Thanks to Michelle Rolls and all who helped with the logistics of getting the meal ready.  Thanks to Sonny Hanson for cooking the meat.  Thanks to each of you who brought food.  Thanks to those who attended the meal as it was a good time of fellowship around the table. 

The evening service featuring the music of the Forrest family and the preaching of Pastor Robbie Howard was great!  The Lord blessed and the day was capped with Christy Wynn receiving Jesus as her personal Savior – hallelujah!  What a joy to host Bro. Robbie and to sit under his preaching again.  Words can’t adequately describe the impact he has had on my life and ministry.  I thank him for taking the time to come preach for us and thank his family for coming with him.  What a great 60th anniversary celebration! 

My nephew, Cody Smallwood, hurt either his MCL or ACL this weekend playing basketball.  Surgery may take place this week.  My aunt, Alice Gettig, in Michigan is celebrating her birthday today.  Happy birthday Aunt Alice!  (I think it is her 90th!)

The Alabama Baptist state Pastor’s Conference takes place today at Cottage Hill with the convention taking place tomorrow & Wednesday.  Our final night of FAITH for this semester takes place tonight.  We are readying for the annual community senior adults Thanksgiving meal on Thursday morning.  Busy, but blessed, days! 

Mark Mast – got the list, thanks!  Bret Hart – thanks for being a Volunteer in getting folks on a mission trip next summer!  Ross Genzink – seen any Badgers lately? 

Hope you have a great Monday!  Jesus is Lord!

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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