
FRIDAY, 6/27/08

Read today’s GRACE blog entry.  Thanks!

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

THURSDAY, 6/26/08

John Denver used to sing about it being “good to be back home again” and I can say amen!  We left Orlando around midnight central time and arrived in Grand Bay at 8:00AM.  Soy drove all the way so I spent a couple of hours working on my computer and several more hours praying – it was great! 

Word came to me from Bro. Jerry yesterday that Martha Patrick is in the hospital with a high blood pressure problem.  I saw Martha this past Monday and she told me that her blood pressure was giving her problems.  Pray for her! 

Today is a very busy day as those last minute preparations are made for the first GRACE trip of the summer.  We will have a packing party tonight in the fellowship hall at 6:00PM.  Anyone having good, used children’s clothes can bring them to the church at any point today just as long as it is before 6:00PM.  The operative word in that last sentence is “good” and we appreciate your generosity! 

All of the GRACE participants need to bring their passport to the packing party tonight as we need to make copies.  This is important! 

Please pray for Lisa, Deidra, Dana, & Gina today as they will travel home from Orlando at some point this afternoon.  Thanks! 

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus. 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

WEDNESDAY, 6/25/08

This post is coming from the Sheraton Vistana Resort in Orlando and is being written at 3:00AM as I am having problems sleeping.  (I think that I must simply be too excited about being with Mickey and the gang!) 

We had a wonderful Tuesday.  Everyone, except me, spent the day in Animal Kingdom.  I spent the day on my computer preparing for the upcoming GRACE trip.  In the past, Deidra’s boyfriends were good at putting up the exterior Christmas lights.  Soy, as a son-in-law, has proven even more valuable than that – he is great at taking the girls to the Disney parks while I stay in the room!  (If Brad were here then I would be in excellent shape!)  I did join the girls at Hollywood Studios (formerly MGM) for the evening hours and we wore the Tower of Terror ride out! 

Rita arrived from Arkansas late last night.  She looked very, very tired but seemed happy to be here with her family.  Her dad, Manolo Padilla, continues to do well in his recovery from heart surgery. 

I ask that you continue to pray for Blake Bosarge as he remains hospitalized.  I know that the family appreciates your prayer support. 

I also ask that you contine to pray for Carla Kyser as she continues her treatments.  This has been a long process for her. 

There will be a memorial service this morning at 10:00AM for Judy Blackwell’s parents.  Bro. Jerry is preaching that service.  Pray for Judy and her family.

Jerry Whitmore is teaching during our church service at 10:00AM and then again at 7:00PM.  Chris Taylor is teaching our senior high Bible study at 6:00PM. 

I was actually contacted by three students yesterday who were interested in joining the upcoming GRACE trip.  One ticket was purchased but I never heard back from the other two students.  If they are still interested then time is of the utmost essence! 

Our summer missionary is doing well.  Keep praying for her! 

Oops, oops, and another oops!  I forgot Amanda O’Bannon’s birthday on the 17th, Ian McClinton’s birthday on the 21st, and Tracie Holifield’s birthday on the 23rd!  At this point, all I can do is beg forgiveness and wish these folks a belated happy birthday! 

Today is birthday day as Pam Landry, Josh Mott, and Thea Whalen all celebrate their birthday!  Josh & Thea have now reached that 18 years old mark while Pam is a little older!  Happy birthday Pam, Josh, & Thea! 

I have plans to post tomorrow but it may be a little late as I also have plans to drive through the night.  Pray for our safety as we travel.  Soy will be with me to help with the driving (yet another benefit of having a son-in-law!).  I may even let Morgan and Hien help with the driving – j/k! 

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus! 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

TUESDAY, 6/24/08

This post is being written at 3:30AM and is coming from somewhere near Disney World.  It is a long story but the next two days will see me using vacation time to be with my family (with the exception of Brad & Daphne) and the Pancho Arriola family.  I am making good on a promise made to Adriana & Sophie last year.  We also surprised Hien by bringing Morgan Bosarge with us.  It is going to be great! 

Rita Arriola’s dad, Manolo Padilla, had six by-passes performed on his heart and did well.  Obviously, Rita is not in Orlando as she is in Arkansas with her dad.  She may join us tomorrow night. 

Sherry Lavelle – I left this Sunday’s lesson with Bro. Jerry.  Sorry that I didn’t get it to you before I left town. 

I have got to catch a few winks as Mickey, Minnie, and the gang will be calling early!  Hooray!  Hey, it beats the beach! 

I hope you have a great Tuesday with Jesus! 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

MONDAY, 6/23/2008

We had a blessed Sunday in all three of our services yesterday.  I appreciate Bro. Chris and the others who shared last night about their Wild Week experiences.  It was good! 

Thank you to the Friendship family for adopting the proposed budget for the 2008 – 09 fiscal year which begins August 1.  I appreciate those who came to the meeting to ask questions and give input.  I encourage the members of the Friendship family to be faithful in giving to the Lord through the church.

We also saw Sonny Bates, Kenny Lingle, and Carl Moulds elected as deacons last night.  As I stated from the pulpit, the Friendship family was in a no lose situation as any of the five men nominated would have been great selections as deacons.  These three men will begin serving as deacons on August 1.  Pray for all of our deacons as they minister. 

Blake Bosarge continues to have some difficulties but the doctors are okay with his status.  Clara Broadus is recovering from surgery at home as is Bro. Johnny Tucker.  Carla Kyser continues her treatments.  Dale, Karla, & Davy Bosarge begin another Wild Week camp today.  As I am writing this entry, Manolo Padilla is in surgery at a hospital in Arkansas.  Delaney Crawley is traveling to Africa on another mission trip.  Jimmy Crawley continues to meet with doctors about his situation.  Pray for all of these folks! 

Our first GRACE team of the summer is scheduled to depart this Friday, 6/27.  This will be an all Friendship family team with the exception of three folks.  We will have our first participant from the state of Illinois which means 13 states and Canada have now been represented on our GRACE trips.   Pray as these folks make the last minute preparations for this trip. 

Our summer missionary was able to be involved in a church service yesterday and she was very happy about that.  They have been having Saturday studies so this was her first opportunity to be in a service.  She is doing well but keep praying. 

Lindsay Hatcher and Sherrie Lavelle pretty much nailed me to the wall yesterday for my mistakes in last week’s entries.  Please!  It was camp week and it was wild!  It is good to be loved! 

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.   

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

SATURDAY, 6/21/08

It has been a “wild” week and it promises to be a “wild” summer – which officially (the season) began last night!  Mistake #2 (whatever) for the week – I believe I am correct in saying that yesterday, 6/20, was also the birth date of Joey Guidry.  So, a belated happy birthday to Joey! 

Today is Jeanette Bates’ birthday – happy birthday Jeanette!  I won’t go into which birthday but she is a “young” whatever year this birthday makes her!  I hope you have a great day Jeanette! 

I received some disturbing news yesterday as I learned that Carl Ray Moulds was told Thursday that his position at work was being eliminated thus meaning he no longer has a job after 22 years with that company.  This came “out of the blue” and obviously caught Carl Ray off guard.  However, he has correctly stated that it didn’t take God by surprise!  I simply ask you to join me in praying for Carl Ray as he has some important decisions to make in the next few days. 

I also received word yesterday that Manolo Padilla suffered a heart attack and will have surgery Monday.  I think I am correct in saying that he is in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Manolo is the father of Millie Villatoro, Rita Arriola, and Monica Krumpholz.  Pray for him! 

Dale & Karla Bosarge are traveling to Austin, TX today for the final two Wild Weeks of ’08 in Lakey, Texas.  Davy actually arrived in San Marcos, TX this morning around 1:00AM.  Pray for these three as they minister through these camps. 

Friendship family – don’t forget the adoption of the proposed ’08-09 budget and the deacon election tomorrow night. 

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.   

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

FRIDAY, 6/20/08

I am pretty good at making mistakes and I just realized tonight that I made another one!  Wes Bates, son in the ministry and student minister at Durant Chapel, celebrated his birthday this past Tuesday, 6/17, too.  So, a belated happy birthday to Wes and a request for forgiveness – it has been a wild week! 

The fourth day of this camp went very well.  The service last night was awesome!  I really don’t know all that God has done within the lives of our students and adults but hope that it is manifested real soon.  I can say that this group has been very well behaved as they have given us zero problems. 

Please join us in praying for Kayla Carpenter.  She has been the Wild Week staff member assigned to us this week and she has been a sweetheart.  She has a lot of stuff going on in her life right now and could use the prayer support. 

I just read the blog entry of our summer missionary and she is doing well.  As a matter of fact, she is the only one of the group that was not stricken with the virus.  So, keep praying! 

Bro. Jerry sent me a message saying that Clara Broadus is at home and doing well.  Bro. Robbie did not have his surgery.  I do not have an update on Bro. Johnny Tucker.  Pray for these folks.

We are having a “packing party” this Sunday evening, 6/22, for the members of our 6/27 – 7/4 GRACE team.  This “party” will take place immediately following the evening worship service. 

Speaking of Guatemala, the Montgomery team arrived safely yesterday.  The Ohio team is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.  The heavy rains continue daily so pray that they can get the work completed. 

Please remember the meeting to discuss the proposed 2008-09 budget this Sunday, 6/22, at 4:00PM with a vote being taken during the evening service.  Also, we will elect three men to serve as deacons for the next three years.  These are important matters and you are asked to pray! 

Sommer Brock and Benny McGath are celebrating their birthday today.  I think Bro. Benny is older!  Happy birthday to Sommer and Bro. Benny! 

We are scheduled to leave Orange Beach at 10:00AM which means we should be at the church around 11:30AM. 

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus! 


Written by Teddie in: Daily |

THURSDAY, 6/19/08

I have decided that the absolute best time for me to post this week is 1:00AM each morning!  Actually, it is basically the only time that I am turning my computer on each day.  The good news is that each morning a new post is awaiting when you check it! 

I left early yesterday morning and went to the hospital in Mobile for Clara Broadus’ surgery.  The surgery probably lasted a little longer than they anticipated but I believe the doctors (she had two working on her) were satisfied with the results.  I will get an update at some point today.  I did not hear from Bro. Robbie’s surgery but assume all went well there too. 

I spoke to Bro. Johnny Tucker via the phone yesterday afternoon and found out that he is having surgery this morning.  Pray for him as his being put to sleep can always be a risky procedure because of his heart condition.  He should spend one night in the hospital. 

The service last night was blessed.  It didn’t begin until 9:00PM and lasted until 11:30PM but we saw God do some neat things.  We observed the Lord’s Supper and that was a solemn time of remembrance.  I can see God doing some things within the lives of our students so please pray that tomorrow will be a great day spiritually. 

Unfortunately, we had to send one camper home tonight.  This is the second consecutive year that we have had to send Korie Fontenot home.  We are going to have to think seriously before allowing her to come next year.  Perhaps rules are made to be broken but we have our limits!  (Of course the fact that her softball team left this morning for a tournament in Oklahoma City, OK probably factored into her being “sent” home too)

I am not a huge Tiger Woods fan but I will him his props.  I read last night where he is having surgery that ends his golf season so that pretty much means that he won the U.S. Open on one leg.  He is one mentally tough individual. 

Well, I missed extending a happy birthday to Beth DeYoung and Amanda O’Bannon this past Tuesday, 6/17.  I could offer excuses but suffice to say that I am sorry and I wish both of these ladies a belated “happy birthday!”  I hope you had a great day! 

Marisa Felps is celebrating a birthday today!  Happy birthday Marisa! 

Paula, from Casa Aleluya, and her newly adopted daughter, Emma, fly to the States tomorrow.  Of course Paula has had custory of Emma for years and it has taken this long to get everything in order.  Pray for these two as they begin a new life away from Casa. 

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.   

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

WEDNESDAY, 6/18/08

I don’t know if I am cheating or not but I do know that it is 1:30AM in the morning and I decided to post an entry real quickly before sleeping for a couple of hours.  I am only getting online once the camp activities have ceased each day and that is usually around midnight.  However, yesterday’s activities ended around 1:00AM today for me as I had to make a Wal Mart run with one of our male students.  He forgot to bring any underclothes except for the ones he was wearing when he left the house on Monday.  Oh the joys of being at camp!  I won’t do all of the details but suffice it to say that day two was blessed too! 

Clara Broadus will have her eye surgery today.  Basically, they are putting her eye balls back into the eye sockets.  She will spend tonight in the hospital and should go home tomorrow. 

Bro. Robbie’s eye surgery is by laser and should be over in five minutes. 

Blake Bosarge continues to make improvement.  Patsy Head’s sister is not doing well at all and is hospitalized.  Carla Kyser had another treatment yesterday.  Our summer missionary’s mother called and asked us to pray as that group has been hit with a severe virus.  Bad stuff from what they say! 

I am pretty bummed that my Lakers got blasted by those evil Celtics last night.  I didn’t see the game but after hearing the score I am glad that I was not in front of a television.  The NBA is rigged! 

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.  Bro. Jerry will be preaching in my absence this morning and tonight. 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

TUESDAY, 6/17/08

The first day of camp went well.  Obviously, we didn’t have to travel very far since we are only in Orange Beach but we are very grateful for the Lord’s protection in our travels.  Chris Taylor and John Vickers came ahead of us to do the check in thing which allowed the rest of us to simply drive straight to the condos.  The afternoon was spent “hanging out” until the service time tonight.  The service lasted longer than usual with us getting back to the condos around 11:00PM.  Curfew is at midnight and I have come to the lobby area to post an entry before calling it a day. 

We had one student pray to receive Jesus as her personal Savior tonight so we rejoice in that decision.  Pray for our students and chaperones. 

T. Garrett, the newsletter in question is the one mailed the weeks following the second Sunday and the fourth Sunday of each month.  We are now in a position to send it via e-mail instead of the traditional route.  Again, folks need to sign up for this service.  You can do this by simply going to the front page of our website and following the instructions. 

I don’t have an update on any of the folks who have been hospitalized recently.  I will update as I receive word from Bro. Jerry. 

Members of the Friendship family are asked to remember the budget discussion/adoption and deacon election this Sunday afternoon/evening, 6/22.  Pray about these two important areas as we begin the process of ending one church year (7/31) and beginning another (8/1).

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus. 


Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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