
FRIDAY, 10/16/09

The last day of the ’09 Pastors’ Conference was a huge blessing.  Mark Mast got us started with a great message on the temptation of Jesus encouraging us to stay in the Word.  Eddie Burdette preached a great message on the family encouraging us to be submissive, to love, and to be obedient.  Bro. Robbie did a great job of preaching on the ministry of the Holy Spirit. 

Tina Mast shared a word of testimony before Mark’s message and Lisa did the same before Bro. Robbie’s.  We had two periods with 11 breakout sessions and one period with 10 breakout sessions.  Those were blessed times.

Lisa and I are sitting in the Houston airport about to board our plane for Mobile.  Bro. Johnny & Miss Judy along with Bro. Robbie left here around 11:45AM bound for New Orleans.  The other eleven team members left the mission house around 8:30AM to make their 12:20PM or 12:45PM flights.  Obviously, they will get home tonight. 

We will be sharing much more with the Friendship family about this conference and plans for the future.  Thank you for your support of this conference.  God blessed your investments! 

I am sure that things are “hopping” around Friendship as they are in the countdown mode for the women’s conference tonight.  Pray for that evening of ministry. 

I pray that you will have a great weekend with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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