

If you are interested in keeping up with Alisha Vice as she ministers in Uganda, you can follow her blog at www.alishaplusafrica.blogspot.com.  You do not have to sign up for anything and you can even be notified via e-mail when she posts a new entry.

Even if you do not choose to follow Alisha via her blog, please remember to pray for her daily.  Thanks!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

MONDAY, 2/6/12

We had a blessed day in our services yesterday.  What a joy to see Amanda Powell receive Jesus as her personal Savior during the 10:30AM service.  I do not know the exact number but we had a nice crowd in our evening service too.  God is good!

I will be visiting the hospitals this morning as Amber Sessions has been put back into a local hospital.  I am not sure about Merwyn Gunter’s status.  Coley Johnson’s mother will be having surgery today.  Jimmy Tagert’s father will be having heart surgery tomorrow and Betty Clair Hatcher’s paternal grandfather will be having heart surgery on Wednesday.  Pray for these folks!

We are on a regular schedule for this Wednesday.  I look forward to joining you in Bible study and fellowship then.

Bill Kendrick is a happy camper as Eli and the Giants won last night.  Congratulations!

I pray you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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