

Andrea Timberlake was kept in the hospital overnight for observation.  She was having some contractions.  I will visit later this morning and get an update.

Elizabeth Sessions mother is not having surgery today due to an infection.

The spot my dad has is not in his left kidney but is closer to his diaphragm/left lung.  How could I get that wrong?  (Do not even ask!)

I probably made more errors in my previous entry but these are the only ones I have been informed of up to this point.  (That just means Deidra has not read the blog yet!)

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

THURSDAY, 5/24/12

Bro. Jerry Whitmore did an excellent job of sharing in our services yesterday.  If you missed it, you missed a blessing.  Good stuff!

Gunnar Howell was supposed to have two tests yesterday which required that he be put to sleep so that meant NPO.  (Gunnar will be one year old next Wednesday)  Sixteen hours later they rescheduled the tests for today at 11:00AM.  So, he had nothing to eat basically all day yesterday and will be in the same boat this morning.  Pray for Gunnar and his parents.

Andrea Timberlake is due to give birth to her first child on June 1.  She was involved in a minor automobile accident yesterday afternoon.  She and the baby are fine as far as I know.  I think she was discharged from the hospital last night.

Elizabeth Sessions mother, Catherine Leach, will have a very serious surgery this afternoon.  Pray for her and the family.

My dad is having two kidney stones blasted (probably not the right word but you get the point) this morning.  He is hopefully going to see his oncologist next week about the spot in his left kidney.

I was really proud of Gina yesterday.  The medical folks said she was the best young patient they had ever worked with.  She was a brave young lady!  (I was going to say “trooper” but that reminds me of AU and I just cannot do that!)  I have to give a shout out to Katelyn Tillman as she made sure we got the red carpet treatment since that is where she works.  I think she must own that place!  She is a sweetheart (cannot believe she is Diane Brinkman’s daughter) and we appreciate her help!  Bro. Chris came for support and that made Gina happy too!

Mark & Tina Mast’s daughter, Miriam, arrived in Turkey yesterday to spend the Summer doing missionary work.  She is a sweetheart and your prayer support is appreciated.

Alisha Vice continues to do well in Uganda.  Pray for her to clearly know God’s direction for her ministry life.

Levi convinced me to watch the final forty seconds or so of the Sixers/Celtics game last night.  Sweet!  (However, I do figure the C’s will win game seven)  A Pacers/Sixers EC finals would suit me just fine!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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