
THURSDAY, 8/13/15

Today’s Bible reading – Nehemiah 5:14-7:73 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Psalm 33:1-11 Proverbs 21:8-10

Leslie Messer is scheduled to have surgery today.  Pray that all goes well.

Eddie Whitmore is on a different type and rotation of chemo.  He started receiving this particular treatment on Tuesday and should end it today.  It is one that he brings home with him via a pump.  He sees the doctor tomorrow.

Carla Kyser has been really tired from her latest round of chemotherapy and has been having some pain issues.  She sees the doctor tomorrow.

Lord, send a revival.  The Friendship family has done fairly well in gathering to pray for revival.  Tonight, the auditorium will be open from 6:00 – 7:00PM for those willing to come and pray.  As usual, the West side door will the point of entrance and exit.

The Lord blessed us with a good day in our services yesterday morning and last night.  Our young adult Bible study has really increased numerically with the promotion of the high school class of 2015.  We had around twenty five to thirty folks present last night.  Good group!  Lots of potential!

Dr. Tico Vargas arrived at the house around 9:30PM last night.  He and I will spend a good part of the day together and he will then head toward Tennessee.  (I am not sure what he did wrong to be sent to Tennessee but it must have been bad!)

The college football season is just around the corner.  I enjoy that time of the year especially when the “football weather” arrives.  Each team is undefeated as of right now and looking to win that national championship trophy.  All except one team will be disappointed in the end.  Which team will win it all?  I have no idea.  You will need to check with Joe David Bailey for that answer.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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