

Just got the following from Amuy:

Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for all your prayers during the past weeks. I just received a phone call from Mario. He said that the time at the immigration office was difficult, that they made him so many questions, they read the documents many times, and made several phone calls. Then, they took Josias alone for an interview where they asked him about his life in Spain, school, neighborhood, etc. Thanks God Josias was able to answer all and he add at the end of the conversation that he wanted to come back home where we are waiting for him.
After this, the agents decided to let them travel. Mario called us to say that they are on the airplane and soon they will start traveling. Lord willing, tomorrow afternoon we will be all together again. Praise be the Lord for this!
Thank you for all your love,

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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