Thursday Night High School Bible Study

We had an awesome time in HS Bible Study last night.. We were in I John 2:28-3:3 and learned that Abiding in Christ is very important for our lives. Abiding being the idea that we are aware and consciously “remain by or stay around” something or someone. Point is that we ought to be aware of what God is doing in our lives, be aware of how we are acting towards God, and make sure it is what we would want to present to the King of Kings.

Had a student speak about his personal experience with something like that, in that his dad would see him doing something that was not pleasing, fold his arms and just stare. His then turned his illustration to this point, God is always watching. He shared that in his house there is a sign above the doorway that says, “I saw that – God” , pointing out that while we might get away with it here on earth (in his case -NOT – because dad is always watching), others may not know what we have done, God is always watching us.

Another student shared how this idea of abiding has changed his life, and the friends he hangs with everyday. Since some of the friends he used to hang with did things that were not pleasing or aligned with God’s word, he has either stopped hanging with them or they stopped coming around. We talked about how difficult this is because we want to have friends and we need others. However, several students expressed their joy that the Three6teen Youth Group was filling that void. They shared that their desire was growing to be in the things of God, around the things of God and serving as God’s hands and feet. One shared how this summers activities has brought the Youth Group to a new level or closeness.

If you are missing the High School Bible Study, you are missing a blessing. It is a great time of sharing and growing in the Lord. I know I truly received blessed last night.

Thanks go out to the Colliers for hosting the event last night, and to the students. who blessed my heart.

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