June 24th, 2017

...now browsing by day


GRACE III 2017 (6/24/17)

Saturday, June 24th, 2017

Wow, what a difference a day makes!  The team was up and ready and rolling down the mountain at 5:30AM today arriving in the village where they are building around 6:50AM.  They hit the ground running and did a great job all day long.  The rain never came which allowed them to work until 3:00PM.  They would have worked longer but the whistle sounded and they loaded up.  A tired but happy group!

Eight houses have now received concrete and are finished with the exception of hanging the doors and windows.  Five others have been framed up and are ready for the metal.  Why did the teams not go ahead and attach the metal?  That is a great question.  I defer to Coach Eric Collier!

Eight of the team members stayed on GRACE Mountain and helped at the feeding center.  I have not gotten an “official” report but all indications are they had a blast.

The devotion for today was an evening devotion and Pastor Jordan Lollar, Ethelsville Baptist Church, brought a really good message from the Word.  (One of the best messages on tithing I have ever heard!).  I appreciate Pastor Jordan and his sweet wife, Lana, who is leading our musical worship this week.  What a fine young couple!

The team’s Sunday will begin at 6:30AM in the upper room with a message from the Word by Jeff Holifield.  Then church, baptismal service and Antigua.

Keep praying for this team!  Blessings!

GRACE III 2017 (6/24/17)

Saturday, June 24th, 2017

Wow, what a first day for this team!  They drove about one hour West (or straight per one of the team members) and then were introduced to a very impoverished village.  They hit the ground running but were very soon joined by the rains.

Four teams began working on building houses.  The rains kept coming and the mud continued to build.  Then the thunder and lightning came and the executive decision was made to immediately halt building and head back to the mission house.  So, the wet and very muddy team members loaded up and came back to GRACE Mountain arriving around 4:30PM.

One house will finished yesterday and the other three were close to being finished.  This village is at an elevation of over 7,300 feet.  The house building sites are spread out so the navigation was pretty tough especially considering the wet ground conditions.

The team will leave the mission house at 5:30AM today heading back to the village.  Eight of them will stay on GRACE Mountain and help with the feeding center.  The building crew will stay in the village as long as the weather (no lightning) allows.  The rain is not a factor unless it becomes torrential but the lightning is a major factor.

There was one injury yesterday.  One of the team members suffered a cut hand because of a barbed wire fence.  Dr. Phillip Turner with an assist from his wife, Claire, handled that situation in the field.  The patient was a trooper and kept working.

Thanks for praying for this team.  Please continue.  More updates to follow.  Blessings!