July 30th, 2017

...now browsing by day


GRACE IV – SUNDAY, 7/30/17

Sunday, July 30th, 2017

The team’s second day was a good one.  The morning began by hearing from the folks who lead My Special Treasure home and school.  Special share time with them.

The building teams got six more houses built with two more ready for the metal.  When you do not take screws it becomes very difficult to screw on the sides and top!  (Heads are about to roll!).  Five houses are completely finished.  Nine more houses received concrete yesterday so that makes thirteen that have been concreted.

We got rain yesterday afternoon which is good for the Guatemalans as this is rainy season.  It also rained during the night so it appears we may be dealing with rain from this point forward.

Morning devotional, shopping, lunch and then the church service today.

Pray for this team.  Thanks for checking on them.  Blessings!