WEDNESDAY, 2/12/14

Written by Teddie on February 12th, 2014

The medical/dental team came in late last night and they were one tired group!  They saw more yesterday than the day before.  They were in a village that had never had a medical clinic at all – ever!  It was a good day for them.

The construction team had an easy day labor wise.  They put the fronts on the final two houses and dedicated all eighteen.  Lots of pine straw, balloons and fireworks.  Good day.

The afternoon was spent on the phone with Delta trying to rebook the eight of us who had our flight cancelled.  It was a success up to this point except for three who were “bumped” from tomorrow’s flight from Guatemala to Friday.  This is a very fluid situation and could change at any moment due to the weather in the southeastern (Atlanta) part of the States.

We plan on visiting two children’s homes this morning, being at the feeding center for lunch with the children, and distributing food and clothes in a local village tonight.

Pray for us.  Thanks for checking on us.


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