FRIDAY, 6/13/14 (PART II)

Written by Teddie on June 13th, 2014

Blessed day.  Our day began with our morning devotional time in the upper room.  Andrew Watkins led our musical worship and did a nice job.  We spent some time in small group prayer and the Word.  We then headed west about one and half hours (seems like five!) where we built seven houses.  Four of those received concrete and the other three are ready.  Two of the houses were completely finished less the door and window.

The rain came in the late afternoon and ended any hope we had of doing any thing more.  I do not mean a nice afternoon shower but a major downpour.  We came home in the rain with much water on the roads.

We are about to have a quick meeting and then that will be all for the day.

Thanks for checking on us.  Pray for us.  Tomorrow will be a different kind of day.


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