
SATURDAY, 4/3/21

Marcus Hatcher communicated with me Thursday about Harvey & Harrison.  Harrison is at home doing well.  Harvey remains in the hospital and on oxygen.  They are trying to wean Harvey from the ventilator but he simply is not there yet.  So, we need to pray even more fervently for Harvey Hatcher and his parents, Marcus & Rachael.  Also, pray for the medical personnel caring for him.

As far as I know, infant Bekah Hatcher is doing well.  Pray for Bekah and her parents, Reed & Sara Hatcher.

Not sure if Miss Linda Green has been discharged from the hospital but I do know that we need to continue to pray for her.

Our children’s ministry will have a time of Bible study/classes this morning beginning at 9:15AM followed by an egg hunt.  This is for preschoolers through fifth graders.  Our buses will be running their routes.  Pray for Dylan & Elizabeth as they lead this ministry opportunity today!

Our soccer leagues will be playing today too.  Not sure of the exact schedule but I do know there will be no matches during the Bible studies and egg hunt.  Pray for Bro. Abel as he leads this ministry.

Our sunrise service will begin at 6:00AM.  Yes, it will be dark for the first twenty minutes or so.  That is why it is called a sunrise service.  Yes, it will be a bit cool with an expected temperature of forty seven degrees.  Yes, God will be glorified through this service!  Come join us!

Our morning services tomorrow will take place at 7:30AM, 9:00AM and 10:30AM.  All three services will take place in the auditorium.  Evangelist Michael Mason will be God’s messenger to us.  We will receive a love offering for Bro. Michael.  Please pray and come prepared to give as the Lord leads.

Want to get some really good coffee while helping build a house for a needy family in Guatemala?  I brought a limited amount home with me from Guatemala.  The cost is ten dollars per pound.  We paid six dollars per pound.  The four dollars extra per pound will be given to SLAM and will pay for a house to be built for a needy family in Guatemala.  Soy Taylor & Matthew Cain will lead a group of the older boys from Colegio JET in building this house.

The best way to guarantee getting a pound (or more) is to send me an email today, 4/3.  You can pick it up tomorrow following one of our services.  Or, I can hold for you for a later pick up.  Great coffee.  Great gift.

Jesus is alive!  Hallelujah!  Come celebrate with us tomorrow!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

FRIDAY, 4/2/21

Today, remember Calvary.  Remember the cost Jesus paid for our salvation!  Oh what a Savior!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

THURSDAY, 4/1/21

Rebekah “Bekah” Renae Hatcher made her appearance into this world yesterday afternoon, March 31, at 1:07PM.  I do not remember the exact weight but it was just under six pounds.  All is well.  Praise the Lord!

Linda Green continues to do well medically.  Keep praying.

Miss Kittie Camp is not feeling well and needs our continued prayer support.

Janice Smith is battling the shingles – bless her!  Pray for Miss Janice.

Keep praying for Harvey & Harrison Hatcher.

Continue to pray for Bibbi’s sister.

Bro. Jerry sent word that yesterday’s services were good with a nice attendance in both services.  Thank you to those who were faithful to attend.

Titus and I went off the mountain yesterday in order to help build two houses for a couple of families in need.  More on those situations in another entry.  It was hot yesterday!

I worked with the Mississippi boy, Matthew Cain, all day yesterday and that was “different!”  I asked him if he could even spell Mississippi and his reply was, “the river or the state?”  Enough said!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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