

Mark Mast sent an update on Lou Ricci.  She failed a stress test yesterday which means she will now be moved to Winnipeg where they will insert a stent(s) or do heart by-pass surgery.  Keep Lou and Don on your prayer list. 

Mark also noted something that I inadvertently left out of an e-mail to our most recent GRACE trip participants.  I listed some things that had been done but failed to mention that more than one VBS was conducted by our team.  Those were absolutely great ministry opportunities and the folks who prepared for and led them did an outstanding job – especially in the area of arts & crafts.  So, forgive my mistake and know that God certainly has record of your ministry to those children.  Thank you for giving to the Lord!

I had the opportunity yesterday to spend an hour or so with our senior adults at their annual Christmas party.  The food was good, the fellowship was even better, but the best part was watching them play dirty Santa!  We have some good senior saints! 

The internet allows me to read some interesting stuff such as forty McDonalds restaurants (you decide if McDonalds is a restaurant or not) in England are issuing fines to folks who take too long to eat!  I have never been to England but apparently you can go through the drive-thru and then sit in the parking lot to eat your food.  You now have forty-five minutes to finish your meal and move on or you are fined $225.  I know some folks who would be in trouble! 

Well Bret Hart, Arkansas finally did get a coach but if his track record is any indicator then don’t plan on his being around too long.  He is a proven coach and should do well for the half season he is there calling the Hogs! 

Ross Genzink, what’s up with Michigan not hiring a coach already?  Could it be that no one really wants to coach in the Little Eleven Conference? 

Speaking of Ross, today is Ryan Genzink’s 22nd birthday!  Happy birthday, Ryan!  (It seems to me that today is Heath Tucker’s birthday too but I may be wrong on that one – I do know he has a December birthday) 

It is Wednesday so for me that means the two services in the auditorium, senior high Bible study, and the young adults Bible study.  It also means junior high Bible study, mission friends, RA’s, & GA’s.  Tonight it means the annual Christmas party at the convalescent home which is sponsored by the folks who lead our ministry there.  What a great ministry! 

I hope you have a great Wednesday serving Jesus!

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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