
THURSDAY, 9/23/10

We had a good Wednesday – glory to God!  Our morning attendance remained strong.  We only had 20 in our Radical Bible study which was down a bit but we did have one new person.  All in all, it was a good day and we are grateful.

Riley McKenzie Reynolds is here!  She was born just before 8:00PM last night.  They had to do a section but baby and mother are doing fine.  I do not remember the stats but she weighed either six ten or ten six.  I do know she had hair.  We thank God for her safe delivery.

Homer Perkins was taken from a convalescent facility to the hospital last night.  I do not know the details but will be visiting the hospital this morning.

Carla’s scans revealed some new areas of concern on her spine so she did not receive a chemo treatment as they are going to change her medications.  Pray for her.

Miss Joyce Bosarge continues to receive radiation treatments but is still having problems with being sick.  Pray for her too.

Can the Braves hang on to that wild card spot?  Jeanette Strahan probably has her fingers crossed in hopes they can.  Steve, your Cards are toast!  They are about to put you out of your misery!

The college football season begins tonight with the UM vs Pitt game.  Saturday is going to be a big day for Bama & Auburn.  Should be fun!

BTW, everyone at church last night found out that Lisa & I are in line to become grandparents for the second time as Titus is going to be a big brother.  Congratulations to Brad & Daphne!

Hope you have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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