
THURSDAY, 10/11/12

Larry Blackwell’s surgery went well.  He came home from the hospital yesterday afternoon.  It will take him six to eight weeks to recover.

Mr. Morris Dupont is making  progress in his recovery from pneumonia.

The GRACE meal last night seemed to go well.  I do not have any of the numbers but it seemed like a good turnout.  If for whatever reason, you were not pleased with your meal, just let me know and we will refund your money with no questions asked.  I heard nothing but good but always realize there could be those who were not satisfied.  I appreciate Bro. Jim & Miss Glenda Chinners doing the cooking and leading this effort.  The students did well in helping too.

We had a good attendance in our services yesterday/last night.  The 8:00PM attendance was very good.  Lisa did a great job in feeding that crew!  It was good to have Dale & Karla back with us as they just returned from a very blessed time of ministry from almost one coast to the other.

I am not a huge baseball fan but I did note where those Yankees beat the O’s last night for a 2 – 1 series lead.  I did not see it but I am sure the umpires aided the Yankees in their win!  It is obvious that the MLB is rigged – how else could you explain the Dodgers not making the playoffs?

The college football is pretty weak tonight.  I hope to catch some of the WKU vs Troy game.  ASU vs Colorado – seriously?

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

WEDNESDAY, 10/10/12

It is 3:45AM and I will leave soon to go pray with Larry Blackwell before his surgery.  Bro. Jerry Hovel will go be with the family during the actual surgery as I will come back to get ready for the morning service.  Pray for Larry.

Visited Morris Dupont in the hospital yesterday.  He seems to be slowly improving.  Keep praying.

Marisa sent me an e-mail detailing Carla’s upcoming schedule with her new doctor.  Pray for Carla.

If you have not purchased a ticket for tonight’s GRACE meal and plan to join us, please call the church office no later than noon today.  This will enable us to have enough food on hand.

The Finance Committee will meet tonight at 6:15PM in the pastor’s office.

There will be a meeting this Sunday night, 10/14, immediately following the evening service for all those who are interested in helping with the Hallelujah Festival on 10/31.

We are on a regular schedule today/tonight.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

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Larry called and said his surgery has been delayed until early tomorrow morning.  Please do not tell Trish of the change and she will possibly be on time for tomorrow’s surgery!  LOL!

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TUESDAY, 10/9/12

Larry Blackwell will have surgery on his back at some point today.  I do not know all of the details but do ask that you pray for him.  Larry is a good friend and a faithful church member.

Visited Morris Dupont in the hospital yesterday morning.  His son was with him and said that Mr. Morris had a good night.  They sensed a slight improvement.

If there is a young lady (21 – 30 years of age) who would be interested in working in SE Asia for about eleven months, contact me personally.  This has to do with the presentation we heard this past Sunday night.

I will be meeting with Bro. Jim Chinners this morning to discuss tomorrow night’s fellowship supper.  If you have not purchased a ticket yet or called the church office, please call today.  We want to have enough food but do not want to have an abundance left over as it will defeat the purpose.

Bro. Chris spent some time updating the church calendar yesterday.  I appreciate that.  It is our plan to update it regularly.  It will help if members of the Friendship family will visit it regularly to keep informed.

I have to meet with Lindsey & Daphne but the times for the Hallelujah Festival are not set in stone just yet.  Should have that finalized before tomorrow’s post.

Watched the Texans and Jets game last night.  As I stated last week, IMO Sanchez and Romo are the most overrated quarterbacks in professional football.  Not a Rex Ryan fan either.  JJ Watt is playing out of this world!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

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MONDAY, 10/8/12

Our Sunday was blessed with one profession of faith and four baptisms.  God gives the increase and we give Him the glory!

DW did a nice job of sharing during the evening service about their upcoming assignment.  He will be leading a team of three.  Pray for them as they train for the next couple of months before departing in January.  I am equally proud of this couple,  Dale & Karla, and Alisha.  Soy & Deidra will soon be added to that list.

Morris Dupont has been placed in the hospital again.  He is battling pneumonia.  Art Elliott was in our second morning service yesterday – praise the Lord!

TJ & Lindsey Vice and Brad & Daphne Hutto have stepped up and will be coordinating/leading the annual Hallelujah Festival on Wednesday, 10/31.  More details will be forthcoming but I can tell you now that they will be accepting donations of candy.  A basket will be in the fellowship hall and all candy can be placed there.  Hopefully, this will be a ministry of the 20-29 Sunday School class.

There will be a fellowship meal this Wednesday, 10/10, from 5:30 – 6:30PM in the fellowship hall.  The cost is $5 per adult, $3 per child, $20 maximum per family.  If you have not already purchased tickets, please call the church office today or tomorrow if you plan to participate in this meal.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

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FRIDAY, 10/5/12

Morris Dupont was placed into a rehab center in order to build his strength.

Art Elliott remains hospitalized and is going into the “chamber” daily.  His attitude is so very positive!  There is a “possibility” that he could go home tomorrow but that is not for certain.

The women’s conference begins tonight at 6:00PM (doors open at 5:30PM).  All ladies are invited to attend.  Men will be serving and should arrive, if possible, at 5:30PM.

We are on a regular schedule this Sunday.  I am hearing there are some folks wanting to be baptized on Sunday night so we will plan accordingly.  Those folks should meet in the church office at 5:30PM.

As I mentioned yesterday, I did not watch the debate Wednesday night.  President Obama must have not done so well as I read this morning where Al Gore said it was because of the altitude in Denver.  Said the President arrived the “day of” the debate and simply did not have time for his body to adjust.  Makes perfect sense!  (Hey folks, the man invented the internet so he obviously knows what he is talking about!)

The Trojans won last night – not good!  However, on the pro side of things, the Rams took the Cardinals to the proverbial woodshed.  I actually watched more of the pro game then I did of the college game.

It is 3:45AM and Lisa has demanded that I get to Walmart and be back by 6:00AM to take the girls to school.  She further demands that I finish mowing the grass as I started yesterday afternoon.  (Did Soy help?  Is the Pope Baptist?)

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

THURSDAY, 10/4/12

I really do not have an update on Art Elliott or Morris Dupont this morning but will visit with both of these men today.  Pray for them.

Carla Kyser is trying to get an appointment with a different doctor.  Pray that can happen this month.

We had a good day in our services yesterday/last night.  Ray Baber drove the van for our student ministry as Herbert Benefield’s work schedule now prevents him from doing so.  (Bro. Herbert has been driving it since the beginning and has done a great job!)  I think I noticed that Ray’s blood pressure was up a bit last night – LOL!

The women’s conference takes place tomorrow night.  Doors open at 5:30PM, meal at 6:00PM, and the service at 7:00PM.  All ladies are invited.  Men are asked to help serve.

I did not watch any of the debate last night.  I really do not think such events have any impact on the outcome of an election.  The mainstream media wants us to believe that the election is already over even though it is a month away.  I just pray that each person will prayerfully consider their choice.

Our deacons need to be reminded of their meeting this Sunday at 4:00PM.

Go Utes!  That will be my cheer tonight beginning at 8:00PM as they host the Trojans.  Hopefully, the USU vs BYU game late tomorrow night will be a good too.  Lord willing, I am going to attend the BSU vs USM game on Saturday morning.  Is that game in Hattiesburg or Boise?  (I probably should have checked before letting Chris & Courtney talk me into buying a ticket!)

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

WEDNESDAY, 10/3/12

Happy 16th birthday to Dana & Gina!  Lisa and I love our girls and we hope today is a great day for them as they celebrate this milestone birthday!

Bro. Jerry preached the funeral service for Linda Green’s brother, Clay, yesterday.  I had an unexpected situation arise dictating that I go out of town.  I called Miss Linda and she was so very gracious in her understanding.  Miss Linda has been a very, very faithful church member for many, many years.  What a sweetheart!  I appreciate Bro. Jerry filling in for me on such short notice.  Thank you to all who helped minister to that family in any way.

Art Elliott had another surgery late yesterday afternoon/last night.  I think that is surgery #4 (possibly #5) in the last few weeks.  Pray for Art & Debra.

Marisa sent me a text saying that Carla did not get a great report regarding her cancer.  She is going to see another doctor for an opinion.  Pray for Carla.

We are on a regular schedule today/tonight.  I pray that many members of the Friendship family will be present!

I called Pastor Bob Harvey last night as yesterday was his birthday.  I found this coincidental – he turned like 61 yesterday and his girls took him to Olive Garden to celebrate.  Dana & Gina turn 16 today and I took them to Olive Garden on Monday afternoon to celebrate!  Is that not weird!

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

TUESDAY, 10/2/12

Visited Art Elliott in the hospital yesterday morning.  At that time, he was still in ICU but was thinking he would get moved out later in the day.  Saw Debra as she was entering the hospital and she was not as hopeful.

The memorial service for Clay Scott, Linda Green’s brother, takes place today at noon.  It will be preceded by an hour of visitation with the family.  Everything takes place in the church auditorium.  Pray for Miss Linda and her family.

Lisa and I were asked to visit Pastor Harry Giles in the hospital yesterday.  He is serving in the Thomasville, AL area but is from Grand Bay.  We had a good visit with Bro. Harry and his wife.

Myrtle called yesterday to ask that all available men sign up to serve at the annual women’s conference which takes place this Friday night, 10/5.  Ideally, you would need to be present at 5:30PM but you could come later if need be.  Questions? Contact Myrtle or Bro. Jerry Hovel.

Obviously, they also hope that a good number of women will attend this year’s conference.  Doors open at 5:30PM, the meal is served at 6:00PM, and the service begins at 7:00PM.

I did watch the NFL game last night and had predetermined that as long as the Cowboys were getting beat I would keep watching.  Romo was Romo all game long with five picks!  IMO, Romo & Sanchez are the most overrated quarterbacks in the NFL.

Dr. Jack has not answered my question from yesterday’s post.  I know why as he is checking with the state office for an interpretation.  Dr. Jack pretty much goes by whatever the folks in Montgomery tell him.  He is loyal in that regard!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

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MONDAY, 10/1/12

Wow, we had a very good day yesterday even though it was a very wet day on the Coast.  What a blessing to see three men from the Mission of Hope come forward to accept Jesus as their personal Savior in our 10:30AM service.  What a blessing to see Leslie Messer follow Jesus in baptism as a part of last night’s service.  God gives the increase and we give Him the glory!

Bro. Kenny Lingle did an outstanding job of heading up the feeding of the men from the Mission yesterday.  He received a huge assist from Bro. Jim Chinners, the other deacons, and others.  (I do not know all who were involved so I will not try to list them)  Bro. Benny and others did a nice job of feeding our children also.  Thank you to all who were involved in either of these ministry opportunities.

Art Elliott had surgery on Saturday morning and was placed in ICU last night.  I appreciate Larry & Judy Whitehurst visiting with Art & Debra last night.  I will visit this morning.

Linda Green’s brother, Clay, passed away on Saturday.  There will be a memorial service tomorrow at noon in our auditorium.  That will be preceded by a visitation beginning at 11:00AM.  Pray for this family.

October is here and it is going to be a month full of various activities/ministry opportunities.  I pray that each member of the Friendship family will serve as a “minister” during this month.

Here is a question for one of the state’s great pastors, Dr. Jack Bailey – since Leslie Messer is almost full term in her pregnancy, did the baptism last night count as one or two?

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

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