
FRIDAY, 10/5/12

Morris Dupont was placed into a rehab center in order to build his strength.

Art Elliott remains hospitalized and is going into the “chamber” daily.  His attitude is so very positive!  There is a “possibility” that he could go home tomorrow but that is not for certain.

The women’s conference begins tonight at 6:00PM (doors open at 5:30PM).  All ladies are invited to attend.  Men will be serving and should arrive, if possible, at 5:30PM.

We are on a regular schedule this Sunday.  I am hearing there are some folks wanting to be baptized on Sunday night so we will plan accordingly.  Those folks should meet in the church office at 5:30PM.

As I mentioned yesterday, I did not watch the debate Wednesday night.  President Obama must have not done so well as I read this morning where Al Gore said it was because of the altitude in Denver.  Said the President arrived the “day of” the debate and simply did not have time for his body to adjust.  Makes perfect sense!  (Hey folks, the man invented the internet so he obviously knows what he is talking about!)

The Trojans won last night – not good!  However, on the pro side of things, the Rams took the Cardinals to the proverbial woodshed.  I actually watched more of the pro game then I did of the college game.

It is 3:45AM and Lisa has demanded that I get to Walmart and be back by 6:00AM to take the girls to school.  She further demands that I finish mowing the grass as I started yesterday afternoon.  (Did Soy help?  Is the Pope Baptist?)

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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