
TUESDAY, 12/3/19

“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)

Happy birthday to our daughter, Daphne Hutto!  How old?  Not saying but I do remember Auburn beating Alabama 23 – 20 on Saturday, 12/3/83.  Just saying!  Hope Daphne’s day is great!

This entry is late – duh!  Can you say Lacey Ladnier?  She is always so eager to help and volunteered to write an entry today as she knew I would be traveling.  Well, here it is noon and no entry.  Katie, Courtney, Bibbi, Lacey, et cetera – women!  I apologize for their slothfulness!

My dad had his port placed yesterday and is receiving his first chemo treatment today.  So many of you have been very faithful to ask about dad and to pray for him.  Thank you.

Pastor Michael Liles’ mother passed from this life this past Sunday.  Praise for Pastor Mike and his family during this time.

Deidra and I arrived in Atlanta a little after 10:30PM last night.  We got a few hours sleep and then caught the hotel shuttle to the airport.  We are now around thirty seven thousand feet above the earth heading to Guatemala City.  We have food to buy for the team, a meeting tonight and another meeting in the morning.  The team is scheduled to arrive tomorrow afternoon.  This is going to be a great trip!  Why am I so confident?  Soy is in the States!  Hallelujah!

I pray that you will have a great afternoon/evening with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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