
THURSDAY, 8/17/23

Better late than never?

Scott Fontenot will see the doctor this afternoon to have all the apparatus removed from his sinuses.  Honestly, it hurts me to even think about it.  Pray for Scott!

The word I received from Burl Brewer yesterday morning is that there has been no positive change in Pastor Brannon Lott’s condition.  Folks, we need to keep praying for Pastor Lott, his wife and children and the Wade Baptist family.

Keep praying for Robert & Roseanne Baria.

Two pieces of good news regarding our Experiencing God Bible study.  First, we have now surpassed one hundred adults who have signed up for the study.  Second, the cost of the books is eighteen dollars instead of the announced twenty-two dollars.

Speaking of the EG study, the facilitators will meet for training the next two Sundays (20th & 27th) at 4:00PM.  Bro. Abel will lead this training.

June ’24 mission trip sign up goes through August 31, 2023.  Email me at

We almost got into the sixties last night.  Still having lower humidity which makes it feel much better.  Thank you Jesus!

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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