
TUESDAY, 12/12/23

Jason Husband learned yesterday that he will need forty radiation treatments (five days a week for eight consecutive weeks).  Daphne has been a huge help in getting Jason to the radiation oncologist and will be working to set up the radiation schedule.  It is very possible that Jason may need some of his friends to help get him to and from these treatments.  You can contact Daphne for the details, how you can help, et cetera.  Pray for Jason.

Spoke to David McCarthy yesterday and he continues with him in home physical therapy.  He will see the doctor on Monday, 12/18.  Keep praying for David.

Regular schedule on our campus tomorrow morning and evening.  Men’s meeting about the roofs on our church buildings immediately following each service.  Again, thanks to Tyrone Crawley for doing the work up to the point in getting quotes, et cetera.  I am grateful.

Our GA’s and their leaders continue to run their post office.  Take advantage of this opportunity to send Christmas greetings while also supporting missions.

We will have a Christmas Eve service from 5:00 – 6:00PM.  Praying for a packed house!  Join us!

Pray for John Potts and his family today as they gather for the celebration of life service for Kristie.  A lady of great faith!

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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