
SUNDAY, 1/7/23

Regular schedule on our campus this morning and evening.  I praying for a strong attendance at Friendship.  Actually, I am praying for a strong attendance in all of our sister churches!

Pray for our friend, Decker Terrry, in Montgomery, AL.  Nothing specific that I know of but sensed the Lord tell me to ask you in joining me in praying for Decker.  Decker is a great man of God and is a faithful supporter of GRACE Ministries and SLAM.  Decker, we love you!

You want to purchase some coffee from GRACE Mountain (this farm or the neighboring one)?  If so contact Daphne Hutto (daphnehutto@gmail.com) no later than tomorrow (Monday, 1/8) at 9:00PM.  Ten dollars per pound.  This is for folks in the greater Grand Bay metropolis.  If you live in the Rocky Ford, AL area then I can get it delivered to you.  You can Venmo Daphne your payment.  Note the ordering deadline please and specify beans or ground.  (If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase then you will be out ten dollars per bag ordered)

Still looking for a baker’s dozen.

I pray that you will have a great Sunday with Jesus.  Go to church!



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