
SATURDAY, 5/4/19

“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” (Psalm 119:11)

Bro. Jerry Hovel continues to be at home as he recovers.  Please continue to pray but respect his request for privacy at this time i.e. no visitors.

Miss Martez Richerson and Mr. Jack Davie both remain hospitalized.  Keep praying.

Looking forward to our senior adult day tomorrow.  Doug Seaver will be our special guest in our 10:30AM and 6:00PM services.  I will be using the same scripture passage in both morning services but preaching two different messages from it.  I am asking all of our senior adults to attend the 10:30AM service and, of course, then attend the 6:00PM service when Doug will be ministering in song.

Katelyn Johnson will be coordinating the meal tomorrow.  She can use help.  Anyone wishing to help must attend the 8:00AM service and Sunday School.  Contact Katelyn in you need information.

There is a tea for the ladies today from 2:00 – 4:00PM in the fellowship hall.  Pray for it to be a blessed time.

JT Lastorka pitched a gem yesterday and propelled his team into the semifinals.  He had seven strike outs.  So they will now host a semifinal best of three beginning Friday afternoon.  Way to go JT!

I pray that you will have a great Saturday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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