
TUESDAY, 4/7/20

“So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.” Colossians 3:12-15 (NASB)

The church office is open today from 8:00AM until 3:00PM.  Bro. Abel and I will be manning the fort.  However, I am asking folks to stay at home unless it is an emergency.  I would love to sit and chat with you but this is not the time.  You did well yesterday and I know you will do likewise the rest of the week.  Lord willing, we will go back to regular office hours beginning Monday, 4/13.

I really do not have any updates on those folks I listed in yesterday’s blog.  God knows each one and their particular situation so please keep praying.

Pray for the medical folks who are on the frontlines in the battle against this virus.  Pray for our President and our Vice-President.  Pray for our Surgeon General.  Pray for those presently infected and for those who have lost loved ones to this virus.  Pray without ceasing.

Our Easter Sunday is set – drive in worship at 6:00AM with the message being delivered by Pastor Wes Bates.  Another drive in service at 8:00AM with the message being delivered by the pastor.  An online streaming service at 9:15AM with the message being delivered by Bro. Abel Garcia.  I need to actually get the necessary equipment in hand before I get too elaborate with the details of these services.  Hopefully, that will happen no later than Wednesday.

I am even praying about the possibility of having a late Saturday afternoon drive in service.  Just something in the early stages of prayer right now.  Trying to involve as many folks as possible in our Easter weekend.  Join me in praying for direction concerning this Saturday service.

We will not have our Easter musical this Sunday but I am totally committed to having it eventually.  When is eventually?  Great question!  I am thinking at some point in May or it could be June.

Same scenario for our children’s choir program.  If possible, we will just go back to back Sundays for these programs.  Pray for this to become a reality.

I am going to ask that the folks attending the various drive in services this Sunday bring a sacrificial offering with them.  We will have offering envelopes available and a designated drop off point to receive this offering.  You have done well over these past three Sundays and I am grateful.  We need to have a hallelujah offering this Easter Sunday!

I did not mention in my Sunday night blog entry that not only did we exceed the $11,000 mark in the bag lunch gifts but we also had another one thousand dollars given to be used at Deidra’s discretion.  Plus, someone signed up to sponsor a teacher for the entire school year.  What a strong forty eight hours!  Thank you Jesus!

Will & Amy Reynolds gave me some garden plants yesterday.  I am not sure of all that they gave me but some looked like Mary Jane plants.  I will let you know!  LOL!  I hope to get these plants in the ground this Friday.

If the weather forecasters are correct then we are going to get some much needed rain this Friday, Saturday & Sunday.  How will that affect our drive in services?  I am thinking not at all as everyone will be confined to their vehicles.  We just have to figure out something for the musicians, messenger and the electronics.

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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