
WEDNESDAY, 1/13/10

I visited with Jesus Segura yesterday morning and he was in a lot of pain/discomfort.  They placed two screws in his back per the x-rays shown to me by his wife, Violet.  As I was in the hall leaving the hospital, Becky Hatcher was going to visit and taking some “goodies” to Violet and the family.  Lisa will visit them today.  I appreciate these two & Rita for helping minister to this family.  Others may be doing likewise but these are the ones I am aware of who are helping. 

Miss June Bailey (Pastor Jack’s wife/boss) did well through her surgery and came home yesterday. 

Hilda Gunter’s sister, Nelva Huff, suffered a stroke and is in the hospital.  It appears to be a serious situation. 

My brother, Eddie, has had some more complications that have seemingly set him back a bit. 

Pam Lewis will have surgery tomorrow.  Everyone else on our prayer list is basically the same as far as I know. 

The Moline CRC team leaves very late tonight bound for Detroit and then on to Guatemala tomorrow.  Pray for them as they travel and then do ministry using the L.G. Camp, Jr. Mission House as their base.  Dave & Donna Westhouse will lead this team and do such a nice job.  The folks of Moline are such gracious supporters of GRACE Ministries.  We are blessed!

Edwin Williams and I are in the discussion stage of helping provide transportation for our senior adults who want to attend our Sunday evening services.  More details coming.  I appreciate Edwin’s concern. 

Don’t forget that Archie Watkins, formerly of The Inspirations, will be with us this Sunday evening as he ministers in song. 

I was disappointed as the endodontist only did half of my root canal yesterday.  The actual root canal didn’t hurt but paying to leave almost made me pass out!  However, Dr. Tommy Hannahan does a great job!  Plus, he is a Bama fan!  (I’m thinking gold tooth with a script “A” on it!)

Lane Kiffin has left TN and is going to USC.  Mike Parker in Guatemala has passed out in despair!  Did you see where the students set fires on the UT campus?  They were going to “block” him from actually leaving!  Please!  Our society has gone crazy when it comes to sports!  I really don’t care what happens at UT but I was surprised at this move.  Kiffin is changing coaching jobs quicker than Baptists change churches – LOL!

Normal Wednesday around here with the morning service (why doesn’t Danville Baptist have a Wednesday morning service?) and the evening activities.  Hope to see the members of the Friendship family present. 

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus. 

P.S. – Rex, please let Pastor Jack know that you read his devotionals and use them word for word in your choir rehearsal devotions.  (Personally, I think he should add a “Juice with Jack” to share the latest prayer concerns i.e. gossip from Danville!) 

P.S.S. – Mark Mast dogged Al in his most recent comment.  It has been cold but if “global warming” weren’t in effect think of how cold it would have been!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


  • Rex Looney says:

    I need to start reading Jack’s blog before I read yours!

  • Joe Bailey says:

    Teddy, Pastor Jack said IMB contacted him about using his devotionals. Not sure if he is telling the truth?

  • Jason says:

    DBC doesn’t have to meet on Wednesday mornings, our Pastor actually feeds his flock enough in the other services we have (unlike Friendship’s).

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