
MONDAY, 3/8/21

The Lord blessed us with a good day yesterday.  The highlight was seeing Michael Holt follow Jesus in believer’s baptism.  The runner up highlight was seeing our 8:00AM attendance be the highest it has been since Sunday, March 29, 2020.  Another highlight was having four friends from Michigan attend our 10:30AM service.  One of them posted the following on social media yesterday, “it was worth it to hear Pastor Teddy preach!”  I told the person who sent me that quote that I sure wish all of the members of the Friendship family felt the same way!  LOL!  One final highlight – seeing Sonny Bates back in his normal place for our services.  What a blessing!

Edwina Perkins will be having surgery this morning as they are going to remove her thyroid.  Pray that all goes well.  I appreciate Edwina’s faithfulness to our church.

Linda Green will be having heart surgery next Tuesday, 3/16.  Pray for Linda.  She has been the epitome of faithfulness to the church for so many years.  Pray for Linda.

There will be a front pew shower for Marcus & Rachel Hatcher this Sunday, March 14.  Rachel is registered at  Or you get buy a gift else, a gift card, et cetera and place those things on the center front pew this Sunday.  Rachel will be giving birth to two twins!

Soccer parents meeting tonight.  Contact Bro. Abel for the details.

Bro. Jerry is spaced out!  (Do I have your attention now?)  He has no more space to store items for the yard sale.  So, please do not bring anything until after our 6:00PM service this Sunday, 3/14.

Time change this Sunday, 3/14.  Spring forward one hour before going to bed Saturday night.

I have a major announcement forthcoming.  I am waiting on one confirmation and will then make the announcement.

Wait, there was one more highlight from yesterday – listening to Cash Westbrook read his Bible verse during the AWANA presentation last night.  LOL!

Tonya (last name being withheld) joined us for SS yesterday.  We struggled to find a class old enough for her age but we finally did.  LOL!

Joey & Bibbi need to get control of their children.  Just saying!

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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