
MONDAY, 10/18/21

Happy fiftieth birthday to Pastor Adan in Guatemala!  I hope his day is great!

One of the teens injured in the off road accident last Wednesday afternoon will undergo another surgery today.  Pray that all goes well.

John Milton Ladnier will have a scan tomorrow that will determine if the cancer is limited to his colon.  If so, he will have surgery next Tuesday, 10/26.  Pray for the cancer to be isolated to this one spot.

Myrtle Bowden will see the doctor this Wednesday to make a determination about the next step in her treatment.  Pray for a good report.

Buddy Brewer remains in Birmingham but is doing well.  Keep praying.

Beth Rockwell remains in a Mobile hospital.  Keep praying as the doctors work through her situation.

Zach Brown shared in SS yesterday that his step father is having some physical problems and needs our prayer support.

Someone shared with me following last night’s service of three folks in our service last night had touched them in their spiritual walk many years ago.  Good stuff!

I think we have twenty stations for TOTAT.  (Trail of Truth and Treats).  We need at least ten more.  Contact TJ, Lindsey or Bro. Abel.

Basketball sign ups continue this Friday afternoon in the CAB.  Contact Eddie Albritton for more information.

How about the new signs on our buildings?  Great job by Dylan & Elizabeth, Rhett “McGyver” Butler and Scott Older.

McGyver, Eddie Albritton, Will & Jackson Reynolds and Dylan Westbrook washed the buses this past Saturday.  Very much appreciated.

Jimmy Tagert wins “deacon of the week” as he and DeDe were the candy providers last night!  Good stuff!  (Brandon Baker was a close second but he got held up in traffic on the interstate on his way to the service)

How about this weather?  It is fifty one degrees this morning.  Drop it another ten degrees or so and it would be perfect!

Our clan and others from our SS class have plans to attend the Jackson County fair tonight.  Come join us!

Pastor Bob Harvey & Dr. Rex Looney are heavy hearted today as the beloved “Thelma Lou” passed from this life yesterday.  She was ninety five years old.

I am predicting Lane Kiffin to be the next head football coach at LSU.

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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