
TUESDAY, 2/9/10

Thirty-eight years ago today, Miss Edna began her duties as church secretary.  If you get a chance, give her a call today to congratulate her.  By the way, she was 50 years old when she started – LOL!  Happy anniversary Miss Edna!

Miss Kathleen Richards has become much more non-responsive so please keep praying for her. 

The plans are to move Kevin Sprinkle’s mother from ICU to a regular room in order for the family to be with her.  Pray for this family.

Patty Suthoff was admitted to the hospital on Sunday evening.  They originally thought it was a problem with her gall bladder but are now saying pancreatitis.  She was in a great deal of pain yesterday morning.  Pray for her.

Miss Kathleen Henderson is in a contact isolation room.  I visited yesterday but didn’t get to see her.  Gloria Whitmore came home from the hospital late yesterday afternoon.  Sidney Walker, Karen’s husband, had been hospitalized but the also came home yesterday.  Bobby O’Bannon was also discharged yesterday.  Pray for these folks.

Pastor Jack Bailey’s brother-in-law, Hural Jones, remains in a Birmingham hospital and is not doing well at all.  As of this writing, he remains on a ventilator but the family has some tough decisions ahead of them.  Pray for Pastor Jack’s sister and  her family. 

I learned last night that Pastor Benny Still is in a hospital in Jackson, MS but I don’t know the details.  Pray for him.

Several folks mentioned yesterday that they were glad the Saints won but felt bad for Peyton.  People, he graduated from UT so do not feel sorry for him! 

I have to get serious about training for the upcoming 5K race being sponsored by our student ministry.  Deacon Kenny Lingle has called me out!  I have never run 5,000 miles before but I’m going to try!  Now, I’m calling Joe David Bailey out to come join us!  Speaking of Joe David, my nephew-in-law, Adam Glenn, has lost 23 pounds in their biggest loser contest – wow! 

Soy wanted me to mention that he fed our dog while I was out of town.  He would rather get his credit here rather than in Heaven!  Thanks, Soy! 

I pray that you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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