
WEDNESDAY, 2/10/10

I ask that you continue to pray for the family of Miss Kathleen Richards.  You can read the arrangements in my earlier post.

Liz Whalen e-mailed last night to say that her mother, Miss Joyce Bosarge, will have an MRI tomorrow as she is still having a lot of pain in her neck.  Hopefully, they can do something to help with that pain as she has an appointment with the doctor on Friday.

Speaking of pain, Patty Suthoff is experiencing a great deal of it in her battle with pancreatitis.  It appears she will be in the hospital for a few more days as they treat her condition. 

Kevin Sprinkle’s mother has made a turn for the better to the surprise of the doctors.  They have moved her to a room and are now talking of recovery to the point where she was before this past weekend.

Jayne English remains hospitalized and in the ICU with no major change.  She does exhibit signs of waking up but hasn’t regained consciousness yet. 

Miss Kathleen Henderson was discharged from the hospital yesterday.   Keep praying for Pastor Jack Bailey’s family too.

Our friend, Tico Vargas, was involved in an automobile accident last night.  He, and his son, David, were not injured but both cars were damaged.  According to Tico, it was his fault.  Thank God that no one was injured. 

Bama got beat by UK in basketball last night which was no surprise.  I felt for Dr. Karen as I watched the Spartans lose their third straight game.  I smiled as Vandy trounced UT. 

It is a normal Wednesday at Friendship with our morning service and evening activities.  I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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