

Today marks Michael Clark’s fifty-fifth birthday.  Michael is Lisa’s only brother and Charles & Ann’s only son.  He passed from this life in 1986.  The death of a young person leaves one wondering “what would have been?”  That hurts deeply.   However, the hope is wondering “what will it be like once we are reunited in Heaven?”  I am thankful to have known Michael for just over seven years.

Chris & Chelsea Staup welcomed their second child into this world on Monday.  I do not have the details but will get them today.  Pray for Chelsea, Chris and the baby!  Chris & Chelsea are a fine young couple!

Angie Bentley sent me a message last night to let me know that Richard’s sister, Sue Strachan, passed from this life yesterday.  She recently had heart surgery and had gotten a good report from a follow-up visit with her doctor on Monday.  Pray for this family!

The total receipts from the cake auction rose by one hundred dollars yesterday so it now stands at $46,138 which means we only need $3,862 to reach the fifty thousand dollars mark.  I had several folks ask me about the fifty thousand dollars mark yesterday and one person told me this, “my family and I will are willing to give an additional ten thousand dollars if others will give the amount needed to reach the fifty thousand dollars mark by this Sunday, July 9!”  Folks, that would take the total to sixty thousand dollars and would most likely mean the funds would be sufficient to meet these emergency food needs at Colegio JET for the next twelve months.  So, will you consider giving toward the $3,862?  Will you pass the word to others?  Folks need to personally contact me to let me know.  What if we get more than the amount needed?  Praise the Lord!  Every cent given will go toward food for these needy people.  These gifts can be kept completely confidential and can come from anyone (individuals, families, businesses, et cetera)  including those outside of the Friendship family.  Again, pass the word quickly!

Regular schedule on our campus this morning and evening.  Come join us!

Evangelist Michael Mason will be our guest messenger this Sunday morning, July 9, in our 10:00AM service.  Pray, attend and invite others to join you.  We will receive a love offering for Bro. Michael.  Please come prepared to give.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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