
FRIDAY, 4/19/24

As I have been told by the family, the visitation with the Mary Cook family will take place in our auditorium this afternoon from 5:00PM until 8:00PM.  The service will take place tomorrow, 4/20, beginning at 11:00AM also in our auditorium.  Pray for James, Gracie and the family during this time.

Please note that the online obituary lists the same dates but different times for the visitation and service.  I fully believe the times listed in the previous paragraph are correct.

Thank you to those who are helping with feeding the Cook family following the service tomorrow.  Please have your food in the Preschool Building no later than 11:00AM.  Building will be open beginning at 8:00AM.

I had a nice visit with Winston Gulley and his oldest daughter, Christy, yesterday.  Winston is doing better and is still scheduled for surgery this Thursday, 4/25.  Pray for Winston and his family.

Elizabeth Sessions has plans to plant the garden at the church tomorrow, 4/20, beginning at 9:00AM and ending at 2:00PM.  This could change due to the funeral service.  However, I “think” it will take place.  If so, volunteer helpers are needed.  This was a very effective ministry last year thanks to William Sessions and his family.

The Lord answered a prayer yesterday and we will now have a very special messenger share with on Sunday morning, May 5.  This will be our annual senior adult day and I am praying for a SRO crowd.  It is going to be good!

Then, our evening service on May 5 is going to potentially life changing for our church family.  Pray, pray, pray and then attend these two services.

Dylan & Elizabeth shifted gears and actually left Grand Bay heading to Town Creek yesterday afternoon.  They will finish their trip today.  Pray for them to have traveling mercies.

Regular schedule on our campus this Sunday.  Chapter four of “I Am A Church Member” during the evening service.  I will be preaching both services this Sunday, Lord willing.  Hope to be joined by each member of the Friendship family who will be in town this Sunday.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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