
WEDNESDAY, 5/19/10

James Davis was taken by ambulance to the hospital on Monday night.  He is in pretty tough shape as they have discovered that he has suffered at least two strokes.  When I visited yesterday the doctor had not been in to see him so I don’t know what the plan of action will be.  Pray for Imelda, Matt, Mark, Anna Carol, Brenda and the entire family as they help James through this time.

Today is a big day for the Class of 2010 at Alma Bryant High School as they graduate.  I think that ceremony begins at 1:00PM at the USA Mitchell Center.  Congratulations to all of the graduates especially those from the Friendship family.  We are proud of you!  I will try to attend that ceremony.

Today is a regular schedule for us with the morning service and the evening activities.  I ask that each member of the Friendship family be faithful to his/her place of service/worship.

So, I am going into the bank yesterday when I guy I have known for years but haven’t seen in several years says, “Happy 50th Birthday” which really caught me off guard.  He then says, “I saw your sign” and I’m thinking what sign?  Little did I know that someone had posted my birthday on the church sign.  Not a smooth move!

I do not like to have any attention on my birthday.  However, I received phone calls, text messages, e-mails, cards, e-cards and personal wishes from a lot of folks.  I even got a cake and several gifts.  (What I really need is $68,000 for that robot!)  I am not deserving of the many kindnesses bestowed upon me but I am very, very grateful for each one.  My lifelong friend, Ken James, from Rockyford called me – what a kind gesture.  Lisa & the girls went out of their way to make my day special.  Charles even shook my hand.  Didn’t get me anything (said something about the economy, social security, et cetera) but at least he shook my hand.  I am happy to share my date of birth with a number of folks including our son-in-law Brad.  (Oddly enough, Daphne shares the same date of birth as Brad’s dad – is that crazy or what?)  Soy?  Please don’t get me started!

LM4LM is underway but I haven’t had a chance to share the concept yet.  The details are coming!

Heard from Jack Ciak yesterday.  Thought he was dead but found out they only have one computer in the entire state of Arkansas so he had to wait his turn.

Mark Harris will be with us this Sunday evening!  Tell others and join us at 6:00PM for a great service.  Wes & Rebekah finish the revival services tonight so pray for them.  Pray for my pastor friend, Bob Harvey.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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