
MONDAY, 6/21/10

Word I hear is that we had a good attendance in our morning services yesterday and a fair attendance in our evening service.  I really appreciate those folks who are faithful regardless of who is preaching or what is going on.  Special thanks to Bro. Jerry & Bro. Benny for supplying in my absence.

Elizabeth Sessions’ sister-in-law, Doris Leach, is in the hospital and is in serious condition.  Jack Sims is scheduled for open heart surgery tomorrow.  Robin Black’s best friend, Kelly, is 31 weeks into her pregnancy and her water broke on Friday.  They have her on complete bed rest in hospital and are trying to prevent the birthing process for another two weeks.  Pray for these folks as well as the others on our prayer list.

Rita sent me a couple of e-mails to let me know that Alisha made it safely to Kenya.  Praise the Lord.  Pray for her as she is obviously involved in the work by now.

Soy & Deidra left this morning bound for China & the Philippines.  They will be visiting/staying with/observing/working with four IMB families while in the Philippines.  They will also get to spend time with Soy’s maternal grandparents.  While in China they will visit with my brother, Eddie, and, later, his wife, Sue.  They are scheduled to be back home on 7/26.  I would appreciate your prayers for them.

A special “thank you” to each member of the Friendship family who contributed a couple of weeks ago to the special offering for Tico & Kirk.  I wish you could have seen their faces when they were presented with their laptop – priceless to see them speechless!

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

1 Comment


    Just a few words to let evryone know Gage is doing well. Down to about 1 pill each day on his steroids I think about 5mg. His energy is up some and he feels well enough to argue with his Mom. For the first time in his life I know she is glad, haha.. We are blessed.. First of the month will be here before we know it, please continue to pray for our next round of chemo.
    Blessings to All,

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