
FRIDAY, 9/3/10

Zanetta Warren looked like she felt really badly whenever I visited her in the hospital yesterday afternoon.  The staph infection is really working on her and she continues to run an elevated temperature.  Pray for her healing!

On the other hand, Miss Bea seems as content as can be as she patiently waits on the doctor to tell her what is next.  They have not allowed her to get up yet due to the blood clot so she obviously remains hospitalized.  Keep praying for Bea & Bill.

Talked to Kathy Wadkins via the phone yesterday morning.  Kayla had a very rough day on Wednesday but did rest some that night.  It seems they may have had her over medicated and that added to her already existing problems.  Pray for them to know exactly what is wrong with her and to be able to treat her.  Kathy’s son, Kolton, has strep but is better.  Pray for him!

Didn’t get an update on Lewis Jackson or Miss Vinnie’s daughter, Shirley Nelson but know they need our prayers too.  Did talk to Liz Whalen Wednesday night about Miss Joyce Bosarge and she continues to need our prayers as she is still having problems with her neck due to the cancer.   Pray for all those battling cancer.

Edna H. Glover has a brother, Sidney Miller, in the hospital in Jackson, MS as he suffered a stroke earlier this week.  Pray for his complete recovery.

The Lord is good!  Took Dr. Tico to buy a non-resident fishing license yesterday afternoon so we could go catch some white trout & ground mullet today.  However, I was pleasantly surprised when Tony called last night to say the federal waters had opened so we can now go out about 30 miles today.  Folks, Tico has never even been fishing.  He may be chumming for Tony & me today but at least he will be able to say he has been fishing!  I hope the waters aren’t too rough for his sake!  (It is 2:30AM and Lisa says I can go if I get the groceries bought before daybreak and some of the grass mowed – tough woman!)

USC, east and west, looked good last night.  The Utes beat Pitt – wow!  UAB lost a heart breaker.  Lord willing, I will be in attendance for the Bama game tomorrow night.  Hooray for college football!

It is a holiday weekend.  I know we will have folks out of town but my prayer is that those members of the Friendship family in town will be faithful to attend our services.  We are on a regular schedule this Sunday.  Our students will go late night bowling Sunday night.  I pray that each of you will have a blessed weekend.  I do not plan on posting again until Monday morning at the earliest (possibly Tuesday) unless Dr. Tico catches a world record fish today!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

1 Comment

  • Pattie Suthoff says:

    Morning Pastor, As you know for the most part no news is good news, that is true for us. Gage has been doing well. He has been to physical therapy twice this week and although he gets very tired, he does great. We are so blessed and continue to walk in his healing. To God be the Glory. Hope you and the guys catch a ton of fish, Bernard and my brother-in-law are fishing this morning as well. Enjoy the game…. Roll Tide…

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