
MONDAY, 9/13/10

Diane Bryant’s brother, Wes Brannon, had a heart attack this past Friday night and is in the CCU in a local hospital.  He had no previous problems but I do know they found one artery was completely blocked.

Homer Perkins remains hospitalized.  Lewis Jackson was discharged from the hospital on Friday.

We had a good day in our services yesterday.  We welcome Zanetta Warren into the Friendship family by transfer of letter.  God gives the increase and we give Him the glory.  The ordination service for Rob Nevin was blessed too.

We are having a work night in the CAB beginning at 6:00PM.  We need to run base, hang door signs, hang rock on the west end of the bannister, hang some marker boards, clean out the remaining six rooms needing carpet, clean out the storage room on the bottom floor in order to begin the renovation process on the lower level.  So, we need folks to help and they need to bring shop vacs and other tools.  (This work night is for anyone except those involved in the visitation ministry which also begins at 6:00PM)

Our second “potluck with the pastor” takes place this Wednesday, 9/15, immediately following the morning service.  Our goal is 50 in attendance and you are asked to bring vegetables and dessert.  We will provide chicken, drinks, and bread.

The wedding of Morgan Rogers and Kel Eyler takes place this Saturday, 9/18, at 4:00PM.  All members of the Friendship family are invited to attend.  Actually, my plans are for the wedding to begin at halftime of the Bama game and be over before the second half kick off.  LOL!

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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