

Our fourth day (Wednesday) of our trip through Mexico was another long day of travel.  It was actually made longer simply because we could not seemingly find our way out of Vera Cruz.  We “lost” several hours just trying to get out but we finally arrived in Tapachula before dark.  It was way too late to try and get across the border so we got hotel rooms and settled in for the night.  The rains were torrential and the hotel staff literally opened the restaurant and cooked supper for us.  We went to bed ready to get up and cross the border into Guatemala early the next morning – not so fast my friend!

I do remember that the drive through southern Mexico allowed us to see some absolute beautiful aspects of God’s creation.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |


  • Sonny says:

    WHOA NELLIE-The next day would be a challenge but our AWESOME GOD provided……

  • Sommer Brock says:

    Bro. Teddie,
    Thank you for posting these memories, as I have come to appreciate even more the ministry that God has blessed GRACE with in Guatemala. I am so grateful to have been a part of several trips to Guatemala and look forward to all that God has in store for GRACE in the future. Thanks to each person that was involved in paving the way for this opportunity and to an amazing Savior for His countless blessings. “How great is our God”!!

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