

Up early and in line at the Guatemala border before they even opened as we would surely be through the process in a couple of hours.  Wrong!  We did not know that we had to go through a “process” in Mexico first so we had to give up our spot in line and drive back into Mexico to take care of business there.  It didn’t take long to do that but it did cost us our spot in line.

Once we got back “in line” we got to the point where we hired a “runner” to do the necessary paper work so we could meet with the customs’ official.  All is well!  The seven guys began what would be a “long” day of waiting in the vehicles while I met with the customs folks.  The customs agent spoke some English which was a huge help.  However, when he told me how much we needed to pay in taxes my heart dropped as we had no where near enough money.  So, we were going to pay a temporary tax and take care of the other taxes the next day in Guatemala City.  So, I get in line in the bank to pay the tax when someone mentions that maybe he was talking quetzales instead of dollars.  I get out of line and go back to see him to learn that he was indeed talking quetzales and we did have enough money to take care of the taxes.  Praise the Lord!

I get back in line at the bank and we are good to go – not so fast my friend!  As I am almost to the front of the line, a guy approaches me and asked what I am doing.  I tell him and he asks how much we are paying in taxes.  I tell him and he tells me that we are getting ripped and I should get out of line.  What?  I don’t know this guy and the other seven guys are sitting in the vans.  No way I am getting out of line!  However, the spirit of the Lord speaks to my heart and tells me that this is of the Lord so I got out of line and “dreaded” going out to tell the guys that I had gotten out of line and was waiting for some guy that I didn’t even know to come back with proof that we had been overcharged.  The guy shows up about thirty minutes later with a copy of the law that proves his point.

So, I get back in line at customs and ask to see the same official.  He agrees with me but there is one problem.  We have to start the whole process over and he says there is no way we have enough time to get it done as it takes a couple of hours to get the paper work done.  I see one of the “runners” who you hire to do the paperwork and tell him that I have to have the paperwork in my hand in one hour and, if he can produce, he gets a Q100 ($12) bonus.  Paperwork in hand in forty-five minutes.  Back in line at the bank and taxes are paid in full in a timely fashion.

It is now late afternoon and they must inspect the three vans.  Remember those altered titles?  As they are inspecting the vans, two ladies notice the white out in the sunlight and begin discussing the situation.  I felt impressed of the Lord to walk over to them and simply tell them it was okay.  I said, “it is not a problem” and they said “okay!”  Praise the Lord!

We left the border about dark thirty after a very long day.  However, all was not in vain as we had seen God get us through customs but He had been doing an even greater work.  The guys in the vans, led by Stan Strickler, had witnessed to a young boy named Jorge and led him to the Lord.  That was made possible simply because they built a relationship with Jorge throughout the day.  Wow, we serve an awesome God!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

1 Comment

  • Sonny says:

    It rained that afternoon and Stan, Harold,Jorge and myself were holed up in one of the vans and the van was locked inside of a compound.I believe that was an appointed time for Jorge, by that I mean it was no accident we were all together,it was another God thing.Stan asked Harold and myself to pray while he witnessed to Jorge and with Stans'”fluent Spanish” he witnessed to Jorge and he prayed to receive Christ.What a blessing it was to have been there.(Stan used an English,Spanish pocket dictionary)

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