

Once again, the reports of my demise are greatly exaggerated!  Sorry about not posting yesterday – I really don’t have an excuse! 

It is a day late but I do want to publicly wish our daughter, Daphne, a happy 24th birthday!  Wow, Lisa is getting old!

Life has been fairly busy since my return from Guatemala on Friday night.  I spent the morning on Saturday preparing for, and then preaching, the funeral service for Betty McDonald.  I appreciate Belvin and family waiting until Saturday to have the service so that I could be a part of it.  Please continue to pray for Belvin and his family. 

The Lord blessed and we had a good day on Sunday featuring a GRACE meal for our senior adults.  The day was capped by our children’s choir sharing their musical in the evening service.  Kathy Wadkins and crew did a great job! 

Bro. Kerry and a group of our senior adults left yesterday morning for a trip to Nashville (I have no idea why someone would actually want to go TO Tennessee!) to see the Christmas decorations/lights, et cetera.  They are scheduled to return home on Thursday.

Bro. Benny is preparing to open our newest Upward season this Saturday.  Pray for him and all involved in this ministry. 

Sara Nell Moulds will have knee replacement surgery tomorrow morning.  Rachel Long, 11, daughter of Jeff & Carol Long, is in a local hospital with a staph infection.  Jeff is in Africa with is job so this is a tough time on this family.  Blake Stokes, 15, grandson of Pastor & Mrs. Alton Stokes and Pastor & Mrs. Jiggs Ramsey, is at the M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston for an examination/evaluation.  Carla Kyser continues to recover at home from her surgery of last week.  Pray for these folks!

I won’t go into a lot of detail but suffice it to say that I am grateful that Hugo Chavez of Venezuela suffered a defeat in Sunday’s constitutional reforms vote.  A win would have allowed him to basically remain in power for life but now, as it stands, he cannot run for the office of president again in 2012.  This election has ramifications on several other Latin American countries which could have included Guatemala with the newly elected president set to take office in January. 

Our senior high students will have a game night this Friday, 12/7, from 7:00PM until 10:00PM.  This is a great time of food, fun, and fellowship so y’all come! 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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