
FRIDAY, 4/15/11

Betty Hamil will have a heart cath today as the tests have revealed three blockages.  The doctor is thinking that stents will most likely be the answer.  Bobby Broome is having a kidney stone “blown up” today – sounds like fun!  Larry Whitehurst sees the opthamologist this afternoon to get an better idea of what the tumor is doing to the optic nerve.  Cynthia Cumbie has an infection in her bloodstream.  Carla Kyser received her second round of her newest treatment yesterday.  Vance Holifield had a biopsy done yesterday.  Belinda Skelton, Miss Jackie Goff & Karen McGriff at all at home recovering from their recent hospital stay and/or surgery.  Betty Clair Hatcher is improving.  Misty Langley is recovering from her surgery too.  Pray for all of these folks!

It is 5:30AM and I just spoke to Bro. Chris via the phone.  Everyone showed up on time this morning and they were boarding the plane in Pensacola.  Pray for a safe day of travels as they should arrive in Guatemala City around noon our time.  I think Bro. Chris plans on blogging using the GRACE blog on this site.

Drew Timberlake & Andrea Creighton will be united in marriage tomorrow afternoon at 2:00PM in the church auditorium.  The reception will take place in the fellowship hall.  All members of the Friendship family are invited to attend this wedding ceremony.

Louise Mason did get online yesterday and seemingly used her time wisely.  You can read her comment on yesterday’s post.  If I had forgotten, I would have been reminded as Jack Ciak sent me an e-mail yesterday.  In Arkansas it is simply known as “IT” which stands for “internet Thursday!”  They now anxiously await Thursday, 5/11.  By the way, Louise thinks we only have three readers when we really have 13!

Lisa & I survived the time with our CPA.  Honestly, we really like Byron Sherman and appreciate his friendship/professionalism over the years.  He needs to get wireless internet in his office but otherwise it is all good!

Obviously, we have a good number of folks out of town this weekend on the mission trip.  Others are gone because it is Spring break in the public schools and Faith Academy.  We really need the members of the Friendship family who are in town to be faithful in their attendance this Sunday.

My mower is still in the shop.  I need to cut grass today.  Charles has offered to let me “rent” his mower for the low price of $105 per hour plus I furnish the fuel.  Folks, that is to mow his lawn!  Otherwise, the rate is $125 per hour plus fuel.  Wow!

I pray that you will have a great weekend with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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