
MONDAY, 5/9/11

The Lord blessed and we had a wonderful day in our services yesterday.  I so appreciate the folks who attended our morning services with their mother.  We give God the glory for a blessed day!

The church family gave approval last night to the formation of an exploratory committee to research the possibility of building a student ministry center.  They will report back to the deacons/pastor and then to the church family.  The church family will then decide on the next step.  This is the exact process we used in 1996 before deciding to renovate the auditorium instead of building a new one.  Pray for these five men as they gather information.

Members of the Friendship family once again gave generously to the special offering for the tornado victims.  The final total will come today when Miss Edna sees what was given through the Sunday School offering.  I spoke to Joe David Bailey last night and they are “on the ground” doing ministry and are grateful for the funds.  Every cent given is going directly to the tornado victims.  Thank you for giving to the Lord!

Our bus/children’s ministry has a big weekend coming on 5/21-22 as they will have a special visitation effort on 5/21 and a special day on 5/22.  Contact Bro. Benny or Bro. Dale for more details.

Chuck Rockwell, Carla Kyser, Donald Butler’s dad & Larry Whitehurst are some of the ones I have prayed for this morning.  Larry’s surgery is this Thursday morning if nothing changes.  Pray for these folks!

Lord willing, Daphne & Emmy should be home at some point today.  Again, we thank God for the miracle of life!

I am praying for the folks in Memphis, the Delta, and other places as the Mississippi River continues to rise and flooding is a problem.  Arelene Meredith is driving through Memphis on Wednesday as John is flying in from South Carolina in order for them to attend their grandson’s high school graduation in Arkansas.  Pray that all of the necessary roads will be passable for her/them.

I am so done with the NBA as the Lakers were four and out!  It is rigged!  I am moving to lacrosse!

I pray that you will have a great Monday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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