
WEDNESDAY, 1/11/12

Visited with Miss Kathleen Henderson yesterday morning and she was supposed to go home yesterday afternoon.  I cannot verify that she did go home but I pray that became a reality.  Will find out today.

Sue Blodgett will have a heart cath this Friday, 1/13.  Pray that will go well.

Herbert Benefield has a problem with his eye.  Pray as he consults with the specialists on what to do.  (Next time Miss Peggy tells him to so something he will probably listen!  LOL!)

We are on a regular schedule today with the 10:00AM service and then the 7:00/8:00PM Bible studies, classes, et cetera.  We usually have a strong attendance on Wednesdays but I pray that our 2012 attendance will be our best ever.

By the way, our first “potluck with the pastor” of 2012 will take place on 1/25.  The meat will be roast beef.  More details later.

So, I walk out this past Saturday to pick up pecans.  What do I see?  Soy standing beside his vehicle just staring!  Problem?  Yes, flat tire.  Do I need to tell you the rest of the story?  He “had” to go to the skating rink to see “if the skates had wheels or something like that” while I “got” to change his flat tire.  Folks,  I need your prayers!

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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