
FRIDAY, 3/9/12

SPRING FORWARD!  Time changes on Saturday night (2:00AM) so please remember to set your clock forward by one hour when you go to bed on Saturday!  Obviously, this is important!

Sharon Jardee is having surgery this morning.  Shortly thereafter, Hannah & Logan Hatcher will have surgery.  Pray for all three of them as they go through their respective procedures.

Keith Dikes father took a fall from his roof yesterday and suffered a couple of breaks i.e. both wrists, chipped bone in his shoulder, injured ribs, et cetera.  He is in a local hospital and I was able to visit with him last night.

Carla Kyser got another good report yesterday regarding her cancer as the pet scan results were very good.  Praise the Lord!

Teresa Ladnier is doing well and should be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.

Tony Hacker had a blood pressure issue yesterday that required him to be taken to the doctor.  Personally, is sounds like a ploy to miss a day of physical labor but that is just my opinion.

Gary Walton had a MRI yesterday due to problems with his back.  Do not know the results.

The webinar takes place tomorrow from 10:00AM – 1:30PM.  I ask you to consider joining our staff and deacons for this time of information.

I pray that you will have a great Friday with Jesus.

Got to

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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