
FRIDAY, 4/11/2008

It seems that I am always, as they say, “a day late and a dollar short” and it happened again.  Yesterday, 4/10, was Carl Ray Moulds’ birthday and I knew that but forgot to mention it in this space.  So, happy belated birthday Carl Ray! 

In 1982 Al Michaels asked, “do you believe in miracles?” as the American hockey team defeated the Russians.  I do believe in miracles and I witnessed one yesterday.  Lisa and I went to our CPA’s office during lunch and signed our tax forms which meant we are completely finished with our 2007 taxes and it was only April 10th!  (Aren’t you proud TJ?)  I felt almost guilty being finished so early! 

The number of scholarships for our Guatemala pastor’s conference has grown to 26 as a couple of folks came to the office yesterday with pledge sheets and checks.  Thank you!  Again, I hope to be at 50 scholarships after this Sunday, 4/13, and then at 100 by month’s end with all of this coming from within the Friendship family.  Our friends outside the Friendship family will be given ample opportunity to help financially with this conference too so don’t think we are excluding you. 

Bro. Jerry had a procedure done yesterday to hopefully correct the dizziness he has been having since his accident.  He is having to keep his head straight until tomorrow but should be good to go after that. 

I do not have an update on the folks in the hospital except to say that Candy was wanting to go home real bad yesterday.  Don’t know if that happened or not.  Margaret Davis was admitted to the hospital with something related to her pace maker.  David Boutwell, Jack Leasure and George Hill remain hospitalized.  I haven’t heard from Larry’s stress test.  I also haven’t heard from Marvin DeYoung’s surgery but hopefully the mother or father of Juanita Josephina will give me a holler today!  Gene & Gena Davis’ daughter-in-law, Pam, is having surgery in Texas today because of a brain aneurysm.  Scott Eckert’s mother, Jackie, is having a surgical procedure done today too.  Please pray for these folks!

Happy birthday wishes are in order Scott Older (23 today, 4/11), Jacqueline Crawley (sweet 16 tomorrow, 4/12), Julie McGath (Sunday, 4/13) and the commish in Michigan, Dean Kapenga (Sunday, 4/13).  Suffice it to say that Julie & Dean are old enough to not need their ages revealed!  Happy birthday to all of these folks! 

I have received several e-mails with folks asking if we are flying American Airlines to China.  No, we are on Delta and our plane is a 777.  Thanks for your concern. 

Again, I will be preaching at Helena Baptist tomorrow night at 7:00PM.  (FYI – Randy Von Kanel is preaching tonight)  Lisa, the girls, and I will then drive to Atlanta for our Sunday morning flight.  I do have plans to blog from China (I am assuming Al has gotten this internet thing over there by now) with updates from here via Bro. Jerry. 

I know we will have a number of folks out of town this weekend due to next week’s Spring break.  I hope those folks have a good time away.  I also ask the members of the Friendship family who will remain in town to attend the services this Sunday morning and evening. 

Lots to do today in preparation for tomorrow night’s service and Sunday’s flight.  I hope you will have a great Friday with Jesus! 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

1 Comment

  • Rex Looney says:

    Bro. Teddy, I am enjoying ready your blogs. I will be praying for you and your family and I hope you have a great trip.

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