
TUESDAY, 7/3/12

Betty Carol’s surgery went well and she will begin physical therapy immediately.

Miss Vinnie’s son-in-law, Hugh, is in hopes that he will be discharged from the hospital today.  If so, he and Shirley will remain in Grand Bay for a few days before returning to Tennessee.  (Why would anyone intentionally go to Tennessee? LOL!)

Spoke to Tommy Johnson last night.  His dad had a rough day but was having a better evening.

We have a faithful church member who is supposed to have surgery this morning.  However, I do not know if I have the liberty to tell you that at this point.  This particular church member is “different” so I will not take any chances.

Jennings Brewer’s daughter called last night to tell me that Jennings is in ICU in a Waynesboro, MS hospital.  He will most likely be moved to a hospital in Meridian, MS and then most likely to a convalescent facility in Waynesboro.

I thought of Dr. Jack Bailey yesterday afternoon as I drove home from Mobile and the rain was pretty heavy.  I was delighted to get home and see that it had rained here too!  We thank God!

As I arrived home it was still raining and Soy was in the garden – I looked twice to make sure that I was seeing what I thought I was seeing.  I hollered and asked him what he was doing.  Here is a recap of our conversation:  Soy – I am watering my garden.  Me – why, it is raining!  Soy – because you told me it was important to water my garden everyday since it has been so hot.  Me – but it is raining!  Soy – but it is still pretty hot!  With that being said, I just closed the door and went inside.

You ask, which of your daughters is with child?  Either Daphne or Deidra.  Could it be both?

I hope your have a great Tuesday with Jesus.

P.S. – No services tomorrow and the church office is closed.  Happy 4th of July!

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

1 Comment

  • Tina Wilkinson says:

    Good thing church is already called off Wed. The statement was made when Goober died,”If it had been Andy, I might would have had to call off church.” Our family will be in mourning along with yours this week as we whistle an extra tune for Andy Griffith.

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