
TUESDAY, 6/3/08

VBS got off to a nice start yesterday with over 300 in attendance.  I drove a bus to and from VBS but was making hospital visits during the actual school so I can’t give a first hand report on how everything went.  However, my sources say it went well.  Keep praying for VBS.

You have read the arrangements for Paul Smith.  Please note that we will be providing food for the Smith family but not the traditional meal.  Miss Vinnie is taking care of this and we are fulfilling the Smith family’s request.  Thank you to all who were willing to cook but it isn’t necessary this time. 

David Boutwell remains hospitalized.  Of course, Casey Lavender does too as she gave birth to Kalie yesterday afternoon.  Burney Barnes went home.  Carla Kyser is continuing her treatments.  Tom Russell is having a tough time at home in his battle with cancer.  Estuardo Morales remains hospitalized in Antigua. 

Today is a voting day in Mobile County and it features something new for us as our church will be used as a polling place for the first time.  Voters will be directed to the west house due to the VBS classes in the other buildings. 

Chris Taylor continues to impress me as he updates our website, the blogs, et cetera.  I hope you are enjoying the changes.  Again, check out the photos from yesterday’s VBS. 

I need to remind our Finance Committee members of their meeting tonight, 6/3, at 7:00PM.  The meeting will take place in the pastor’s office. 

Happy birthday wishes go to Holly Bunnell today!  Holly is a young lady from Michigan who has gone with us to Guatemala four or five times.  She is a sweetheart! 

Also, today is the wedding anniversary date for Bro. Robbie & Miss Peggy Howard.  I am not sure how many years this would have marked for them but it does remind me of how much Miss Peggy is missed by so many.   

A guy in Wisconsin found an old tin container buried on his farm.  Inside it contained depression era cash which was in pretty tough shape.  It is estimated to be worth about $1,700 and the treasury department will replace the bills for him.  That story made me think of Andy & Betty’s friend, Pat Patterson, in Georgia with all of his tin cans filled with money buried in his back yard!  Pat, those bills will deteriorate in time!

I hope you will have a great Tuesday with Jesus.  Pray for our VBS! 

Written by Teddie in: Daily |

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