
THURSDAY, 2/7/13

Carla Kyser will meet with the doctor this morning to learn the results of her latest scan.  Pray that the news will be favorable.

Joey’s son, Zach, is most likely to be discharged from the hospital today.  Obviously, he is much better.

I saw Allen Glover last night and that is the first time I have ever seen him without glasses.  His surgery went well and he is seeing things that he has never seen before.

The visitation with the Howard family went very well last night.  Thank you to each person who attended.  Michael Graham did a very nice job of coordinating the visitation from the funeral home side.

The funeral service begins at 11:00AM today.  The casket will be in place by 10:00AM.  Pray for Michael Rowell as he preaches his grandfather’s service.  This is a day that I did not want to see come.  However, we rejoice in Bro. Robbie’s promotion.

One medical team leaves Guatemala today and another one is headed that way.  Clara Broadus, Betty Clair Hatcher, Bernard Suthoff and Jordon Zirlott left Mobile this morning.  Folks are leaving from Grand Rapids, Huntsville, Montgomery, & Jacksonville as well.  Pray for GRACE Ministries and those traveling today.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.

Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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