
WEDNESDAY, 5/15/13

It appeared yesterday that Craig K was better.  He responded to me when I visited with him.  However, Jennifer sent me a text early last night to say that his temperature has risen again.

Miss Barbara Nevin continues to recover while remaining in the hospital.  It appears she will be hospitalized for an extended period of time.

No change in Tanya Love’s condition.

Chastity Touchstone receives another treatment today.

We had three folks from the Friendship family attend the funeral service for Larry Wells yesterday.  Janice told me that the Friendship family was well represented the previous night at the visitation with the family.  I appreciate all of those who ministered to this family.

We continue to pray for Carla Kyser, Donald Loyd, Lisa Thompson, Eddie Whitmore, Courtney Hubbard and others who continue to battle cancer.

Robin Cole is in continual need of our prayer support as well.

Jerry & Gloria Whitmore leave tomorrow headed for the DC area for a few days in order to visit with family before heading to India for two weeks of ministry with PTL and Pastor Alex.  Pray for them.

We are on a regular schedule today/tonight.  We are becoming more focused on prayer in our two services in the auditorium.  The 8:00PM meal will be hotdogs and the trimmings.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus!


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

1 Comment

  • Liz Cole says:

    Thank you prayer warriors for continuing to remember Tanya, her husband Jack, and for our Robin (Jordan’s wife). The blog is correct that there is no real change in Tanya’s situation. However, my brother Jack is suffering greatly. I told him yesterday that it is worse than death for him because it is more like torture. The good news is he has seen Jesus thru others and it has deeply touched him. Praise! Robin gets better everyday and God is using this time in her life, so Praise Him again!

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