
THURSDAY, 7/11/13

Bob Henley has been diagnosed with a stage four brain tumor.  He is scheduled to have surgery today.  Those are pretty much all of the details I have at this point but will update once the surgery is complete.  Pray for Bob, Chris, Bobby, Billy and the rest of the family.

If all goes according to plan, the doctors will remove the life support from Tanya Love today.  Pray for her, Jack, and Tanya’s children.

Bro. Jerry and a team of thirty-five others leave for Guatemala this morning.  Pray for their safety in travel and for the ministry opportunities they will encounter in the coming eight days.

Summer McGriff and baby Abigail are doing good as far as I know.  I went to visit yesterday but did not get to see them.

The baby shower for Chris & Courtney takes place this Saturday, 7/13, from 10:30AM until noon.  It will take place at our house and is a come and go event.  Ladies, please come.

We had a good day in our services yesterday/last night.  Thank you to the members of the Friendship family for being faithful.

I pray that you will have a great Thursday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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