
WEDNESDAY, 12/18/13

On the prayer point today – Herbert Benefield, Judith Creal, Phil Sims.

Jeff Holifield sent me an e-mail yesterday asking us to pray fervently for Kent Bragg as he is seemingly near death.  If this name sounds familiar, it is because his name has been our prayer list for weeks thanks to Herbert & Peggy and Bubba & Judy Benefield.

Larry Whitehurst has been faithful to leave messages regarding his brother, Ed.  Better but still has a ways to go.  Is confused much of the time.

Talked to Mitchel Fox via the phone yesterday as he was on his way home from the hospital.  He will see more doctors in the days to come.

Andrea’s dad got some good news regarding his heart.  Now, if he can get a like report regarding his lungs it will be a move in the right direction.

Peggy Knighten continues to recover at home.  Her son, Bradley, had an accident while snow skiing in South Korea.  He broke his collarbone and tore some ligaments.  Was scheduled to have surgery.  It is my understanding that it was his first time to ski.  Knowing Bradley, he was going one hundred miles an hour!

Lisa Thompson commented yesterday that she is to have another scan on 12/31.

Donald & Pat Butler are faithful readers of the blog.  They have signed up to pray/contact one day.  Here is the catch – they are not even members of the Friendship family!  That should cause each member of the Friendship family who has not signed up to say “count me in!”  Thanks Donald & Pat!  (Do Pentecostal prayers count?  I am not going there!  LOL!)  Actually, Lisa and I were with three Pentecostal preachers and a Catholic priest yesterday.  Good time of fellowship.

Regular schedule this morning and tonight.  Gumbo and bar-b-que for the 7:30PM Bible study Christmas fellowship.  Dirty Santa and a pill packing party too.

I pray that you will have a great Wednesday with Jesus.



Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

1 Comment

  • Peggy Knighten says:

    Bro. Teddie, you are probably right about the speed Bradley was traveling at 😉
    I just wanted to update that his surgery has been postponed until 3:00 p.m. Today (our time) he said he heard them saying they did not have an Anesthesia machine available! I’m thinking we can wait till that arrives! And Pray it does arrive in time and is fully functioning! It does pain me greatly not to be with my Child during a time like this; but I take great comfort knowing I serve an Almighty God who will be and many prayers are being lifted up in Bradley’s name! Thank You to an Amazing Church Family, Friends and supportive Sunday School Class who are always there!!

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