
SUNDAY, 3/30/14

Today’s Bible reading – Deuteronomy 13:1- 15:23, Luke 8:40-9:6, Psalm 71:1-24, Proverbs 12:5-7

Bro. J.B. Kelley was discharged from the hospital around noon yesterday.  Not totally well but determined to go home.

Ginny Easterling was discharged on Friday afternoon late.  Has problems with a kidney.  Changed meds and everything is “good” for the time being.  I spoke to her via the phone yesterday afternoon and she was in a very positive spirit.

Lisa talked to Debra Elliott via the phone yesterday.  At that time, Art remained in ICU but is doing well.

Virginia’s mother is doing well and is walking the halls with the help of a walker.  Will be discussing a rehab facility on Monday.

Infant Jack Holmes drank one ounce from a bottle and is maintaining his body temperature.  Those are good things!

No update on Archie Sprinkle but I assume he was moved to a regular room.

Alan’s dad has improved.  Last I heard, he was still on the ventilator but it was turned almost as low as it can go.  I will get an update from Alan today.

I did not visit the hospitals yesterday but instead spent from 8:00AM until 6:45PM on the backside of a weed eater, on a mower, picking up limbs, pushing a mower, or washing a vehicle.  Honestly, it was a good day for me.  I have to give thanks to Sueanna Bryant.  She saw me weed eating and bought/brought me breakfast.  How did she know it was me?  Who else on this hill uses a weed eater?  Thank you Sue for being so kind!  She will be one of my illustrations in Sunday School today!

Great basketball games the last two nights.  I am now at 38 – 20 having gotten both games right last night.  I was feeling pretty good about possibly having three of four correct (lets go State) in the Final Four until I learned that Lori Bailey will have all four teams correct if State wins today.  Impressive!  Meanwhile, Lisa got a great deal Friday night on a painting to hang over our bed!

Regular schedule today/tonight.  Baptism in the evening service.  Looking forward to seeing Tom Compagner & crew in the 10:30AM service today.  Hope Tom brings his checkbook!

I pray that you will have a great Sunday with Jesus.


Written by Teddie in: Uncategorized |

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